INT Summer School on Lattice QCD for Nuclear Physics
Lectures (Presentations/Notes/Videos)
Week 1 (Aug. 6–10, 2012)
- "Introduction to Lattice QCD", Anna Hasenfratz (University of Colorado)
- "Lattice Methods for Hadron Spectroscopy", Sinead Ryan (Trinity College)
- "Finite-Temperature QCD", Carleton DeTar (University of Utah)
- "Strong Interaction Problems in Astrophysics", Wick C. Haxton (UC Berkeley/LBNL)
- "AdS/CFT Applications", Dam Thanh Son (INT)
- "Future Applications of Lattice QCD for High-Energy Physics", Steve Sharpe (University of Washington)
- "Specialty Coffee in the Home", Michael McNeil Forbes (INT)
Week 2 (Aug. 13–17, 2012)
- "Hadron Interactions and Many-Body Physics", William Detmold (MIT)
- "Finite-Density QCD", Gert Aarts (Swansea University)
- "Chiral Perturbation Theory", Brian Tiburzi (City College of New York)
- "FRIB Physics", Filomena Nunes (NCSL)
- "Chiral Fermions", David Kaplan (INT)
Week 3 (Aug. 20–24, 2012)
- "Hadron Structure", James Zanotti (University of Adelaide)
- "Lattice QCD+QED", Taku Izubuchi (BNL)
- "Computational Lattice QCD", Balint Joo (Thomas Jefferson Lab)
- "Extreme Computing Trilogy: Nuclear Physics", Martin Savage (University of Washington)
- "Cold Atoms and Unitary Fermi Gas", Michael M. Forbes (INT)
- "Introduction to GPU Computing", Mike Clark (NVIDIA)
- "Introduction to QUDA — GPU Computing for LQCD", Mike Clark (NVIDIA)
- "Extreme Computing Trilogy: Infrastructure", Kenneth Roche (PNNL)