INT Summer School on Lattice QCD for Nuclear Physics
Currently, we have the following events planned during the summer school. More details soon.

Women in Lattice QCD Luncheon
Women in Lattice QCD will be organizing a lunch meeting during the lunch break on Aug. 9th, 12:40–13:40. We hope sitting down with all the women in our school will lead to interesting interactions on the topics that concern women in the field. Previous luncheons at lattice conferences have been fun and inspiring. Come join us!
Coffee Seminar/Tour
“...incredible sweet floral, citrus blossom, sweet honey perfume atomized into the air... Jasmine and honeysuckle floral accent with berry fruits... Honey and mild graham cracker hints are evident too. The wet aroma also has distinct jasmine, as well as cherry notes, honey, caramel, and soft milk chocolate...”
— Sweet Maria's tasting notes for the 2012 Panama Esmeralda Gesha (Mario Enero Lot)
Properly prepared coffee can rival the complexity and diversity of wines, but many people have never experienced the variety and subtlety offered by the third wave of specialty coffee producers. Seattle has a thriving coffee culture with many independent shops, presenting an excellent opportunity to explore first-class coffee. To whet your appetite, one of our lecturers, Michael Forbes, will present on Friday an introduction to specialty coffee: After discussing aspects of roasting, brewing, and tasting this amazing beverage, Michael will demonstrate several home-brewing techniques. Depending on interest and demand, further coffee-related activities will be organized, such as a hands-on brewing lab, coffee cuppings (the coffee equivalent of wine-tasting), and tours to local coffee shops. Details will be announced during the sections.

NVIDIA Presentation and Reception
Mike Clark (NVIDIA) will give a presentation on Aug. 22nd (Wed) about NVIDIA GPUs. The lecture will be followed by a reception sponsored by NVIDIA.
- "Introduction to GPU computing", Mike Clark (NVIDIA); followed by drink reception sponsored by NVIDIA
The graphics processing unit (GPU) has become an integral part of today's mainstream computing systems. Over the past decade, there has been a marked increase in the performance and capabilities of GPUs. The modern GPU is not only a powerful graphics engine but also a highly parallel programmable processor featuring peak arithmetic and memory bandwidth that substantially outpaces its CPU counterpart. The GPU's rapid increase in both programmability and capability has spawned a research community that has successfully mapped a broad range of computationally demanding, complex problems to the GPU. This effort in general-purpose computing on the GPU, also known as GPU computing, has positioned the GPU as a compelling alternative to traditional microprocessors in high-performance computer systems of the future.
It is the national law that only persons aged 21 years or older are allowed to comsume alcohol in the United States. Please remember to bring a current form of picture identification including your birthdate (e.g. passport, driver license); bartenders may card you.

NVIDIA have also generously donated a GPU to be given to school students at the end of Mike Clark's Thursday lecture.