INT Summer School on Lattice QCD for Nuclear Physics
Lattice Resources
- The International Lattice Data Grid allows you to download some QCD vacua to work on.
- USQCD: a US collobarative effort to develop and use large-scale computers for lattice-QCD calculations. It provides both hardware and software infrastructure, helping physicists to solve their physics more efficiently.
- Teragrid has an education allocation (requires a faculty sponsor) for independent study by graduate students
- hep-lat an archive of preprints devoted to lattice gauge theory.
Lattice Conferences
- Lattice 2012, Cairns, Australia, 2012 June 24–30
- Lattice 2011, Squaw Valley, California, 2011 July 10–16
- Lattice 2010, Villasimius, Sardinia, 2010 June 14–19
- Lattice 2009, Beijing, China, 2009 July 25–31
- Lattice 2008, Williamsburg, Virginia, 2008 July 14–19
- XXV Lattice 2007, Regensburg, Germany, 2007 July 30 – August 04
- XXIV Lattice 2006, Tucson, Arizona, 2006 July 23–28