Rostock and Trieste.
Santa Fe 2004
Riken 2005
Les Houches Course XXX 1977
Les Houches Session LXVI 1998
Compton Scattering (Am. J. Phys.)
Nuclear Scattering (Am. J. Phys.)
Nuclear Rotations (Am. J. Phys.)
The Jarzynski equality in action: a pedagogical
The single-particle Green's function in action: a
pedagogical example
Force and pressure in many-particle quantum dynamics
Pair breaking in nuclear fission
Comparison of numerical methods for TDDFT time
integration (Giansiracusa)
Quantum Computing: a simulation (Uusnakki)
Notes on the relationship between GCM/GOA and RPA (I)
Scattering theory in discrete basis
Nishida-Son from a BCS perspective
The Duflo-Zuker mass formula--what is it?
Dipolar ion in a Penning trap
Note on HFB for systems with odd particle number
Comparison of calculated average gaps to BCS
Notes on the relationship between GCM/GOA and RPA (II)
Bulk limit of pairing energy for SU(4) symmetry
Gradient method for HFB
Derivation of Marcus's Formula
Time-dependent HFB in the
quasiparticle representation