Field Theory 572
Spring 2016
Professor David Kaplan
TA: Brandon Robinson, B418, robinb22@uw.edu
I will not have regular office hours, but I like talking to
students! If you want to discuss something email me, or take
your chances and just drop by my office.
Recommended references -- best to read up on each topic in
at least two books:
Srednicki: Quantum
Field Theory
Schwartz: Quantum
field theory and the standard model
Weinberg: The
quantum theory of fields
Itzykson & Zuber: Quantum
Field Theory
Peskin and Schroeder: An
Introduction to Quantum Field Theory
Ramond: Field
Theory: A Modern Primer
Brown: Quantum
Field Theory
To get to more advanced topics, nothing compares to:
Coleman: Aspects
of Symmetry (especially chapters "Secret Symmetry", "Uses of
Instantons", and "Large N")
Representations of the Lorentz group
Dimensional Regularization
Path Integration
NJL Model Note
Effective Field Theory
Fujikawa paper on
Longer Fujikawa paper (some
notation differences from PRL; factors of 1/2 missing in front of
[γ,γ] in eqs 15, 24a.)
on Anomalies
Uses of Instantons,
section 3
Problem sets
(All problem sets are due in class the day they are due, or
in Brandon Robinson's mailbox by 5PM the day they are due.
Late homework is not accepted.)
Problem set #1 (Due
Tuesday 4/12/16)
Problem set #2 (Due Tuesday
Problem set #3 (Due
Tuesday 5/10/16)
Problem set #4 (Due
Tuesday 5/24/16)
Solution set #1
Solution set #2
Solution set #3
Solution set #4
- There will be probably five problem sets, each weighted
equally although not of equal difficulty They will count
for 75% of the grade
- Each student will be asked to prepare a 15 minute presentation
on some topic in QFT not covered in detail in class; these will
be delivered during the final week of class (not finals week)
and will count for 25% of the grade. Students should get their
topic pre-approved by me