TALENT / INT Course on Nuclear Forces



Note: If you cannot access any of the references below, please contact one of the instructors.


Author(s)Title Comments
Peter LepageHow to renormalize the Schrödinger equation Classic hands-on introduction to principles of effective field theory and renormalization in ordinary quantum mechanics.
Evgeny EpelbaumNuclear forces from chiral effective field theory: a primer Write-up of introductory lectures on the modern approach to the nuclear force problem based on chiral effective field theory given at the 2009 Joliot-Curie School, Lacanau, France, 27 September - 3 October 2009.
Bira van KolckIntroduction to Effective Field Theories in QCD [slides here]Slides from three lectures in 2011 at GANIL. Includes a detailed non-relativistic QED example.
Peter LepageWhat is renormalization? Renormalization of cut-off field theory. (Not so accessible without field theory background.)
Gerhard EckerQuantum ChromodynamicsLectures on QCD from a 2005 summer school. "The main theme is effective field theories, from heavy quarks to the light quark sector where the spontaneously broken chiral symmetry of QCD plays a crucial role."
Xiangdong JiA Modern Introduction to Nuclear PhysicsLecture notes from a course given at the University of Maryland.
Dick FurnstahlThe Renormalization Group in Nuclear PhysicsLectures on the RG from the Schladming Winter School.
David KaplanFive lectures on effective field theoryLectures delivered at the 17th National Nuclear Physics Summer School in 2005.

Review articles

Author(s)Title Comments
H.-W. Hammer, A. Nogga, A. Schwenk Three-body forces: From cold atoms to nuclei Recent review from Reviews of Modern Physics (2013).
R. Machleidt, D.R. EntemChiral effective field theory and nuclear forces Physics Reports (2011). Includes detailed appendices useful for new (and old!) practitioners.
E. Epelbaum, H.-W. Hammer, U.-G. MeissnerModern Theory of Nuclear Forces Comprehensive review from Reviews of Modern Physics (2009).
S.R. Beane, P.F. Bedaque, W.C. Haxton, D.R. Phillips, M.J. SavageFrom hadrons to nuclei: Crossing the borderSummary of the state of EFT for nuclear physics around 2000.
S.K. Bogner, R.J. Furnstahl, A. SchwenkFrom low-momentum interactions to nuclear structureReview of RG-evolved forces for nuclei from Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics (2010).
R.J. Furnstahl, K. HebelerNew applications of renormalization group methods in nuclear physicsRecent update on the use RG methods.
S. Scherer and M.R. SchindlerA Primer for Chiral Perturbation TheoryAn extensive introduction to chiral perturbation theory (for mesons and baryons, with general discussion of effective field theories but not chiral EFT for more than one nucleon).


Author(s)Title Comments
Steven WeinbergEffective Field Theory, Past and Future How EFT came about from Weinberg's perspective, with his usual cogent insights.
Steven WeinbergWhy the renormalization group is a good thing General consideration of RG methods; may need some field theory background to fully appreciate.
R. Machleidt and D.R. EntemNuclear forces from chiral EFT: the unfinished business [arXiv] From a J. Phys. G focus issue on open problems in nuclear structure theory.
R.J. Furnstahl and A. SchwenkHow should one formulate, extract, and interpret `non-observables' for nuclei? [arXiv] From a J. Phys. G focus issue on open problems in nuclear structure theory.
R.J. Furnstahl and A. SchwenkIs chiral symmetry manifested in nuclear structure? [arXiv] From a J. Phys. G focus issue on open problems in nuclear structure theory.
I. Stetcu, J. Rotureau, B.R. Barrett, and U. van Kolck Effective interactions for light nuclei: an effective (field theory) approach [arXiv] From a J. Phys. G focus issue on open problems in nuclear structure theory.
M. Hjorth-Jensen, D.J. Dean, G. Hagen, and S. KvaalMany-body interactions and nuclear structure [arXiv] From a J. Phys. G focus issue on open problems in nuclear structure theory.
Stephan HartmannEffective Field Theories, Reductionism and Scientific Explanation Essay on EFT from the journal Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics.
M.J. Duff, L.B. Okun, and G. VenezianoTrialogue on the number of fundamental constants Fun debate on how many fundamental dimensionful constants there are in physics.


Author(s)Title Comments
S.S.M. WongIntroductory Nuclear Physics [Wiley-VCH (1999); ISBN 0471239739]
J.M. Arias and M. LozanoAn Advanced Course in Modern Nuclear Physics [Springer (2009); ISBN 3642076246]
A.Bohr and B.R. MottelsonNuclear Structure [Benjamin NY (1969)]
P.Ring and P. SchuckThe Nuclear Many-Body Problem [Springer (2004); ISBN 354021206X]
Rubin LandauQuantum Mechanics II You can get Appendix A on natural units and Appendix B on representations (e.g., in energy and angular momentum basis) online.
Roger NewtonScattering Theory of Waves and Particles Classic authoritative book on quantum mechanical scattering. Second edition now available as a (relatively :) inexpensive (e.g., on Amazon) paperback from Dover.
A. ZeeQuantum Field Theory in a Nutshell, 2nd ed. Relevant quote from Frank Wilczek: "Quantum field theory is an extraordinarily beautiful subject, but it can be an intimidating one. The profound and deeply physical concepts it embodies can get lost, to the beginner, amidst its technicalities. In this book, Zee imparts the wisdom of an experienced and remarkably creative practitioner in a user-friendly style. I wish something like it had been available when I was a student."

Pedagogical topics and resource letters

Author(s)Title Comments
M.A. Morrison and A.N. FeldtThrough scattering theory with gun and camera: Coping with conventions in collision theory An accessible guide to the conventions of scattering theory, with summaries of scattering amplitude formulas, the Lippmann-Schwinger equation and partial-wave decomposition. [Note: in equation (13), the exponent should be 3 and not 3/2.]
F. Olness and R. ScaliseRegularization, renormalization, and dimensional analysis: Dimensional regularization meets freshman E&M (2011) An introduction to dimensional (and cutoff) regularization using an example from electrostatics.
A.S. Kronfeld and C. QuiggResource Letter QCD-1: Quantum chromodynamics (2010) Pointers to the relevant literature for all things QCD.
Jonathan L. Rosner Resource Letter: SM-1: The standard model and beyond (2003) References at all levels (from popular to technical) on the Standard Model (from 2003).
Rubin LandauResource Letter CP-2: Computational Physics (2008) Suggested references for learning computational physics and various languages and computing tools.
R.K. Bhaduri, A. Chatterjee, B.P. van ZylAn elementary exposition of the Efimov effect The Efimov effect with ordinary quantum mechanics.
D.J. Dean and J.H. HamiltonResource Letter NSM-1: New insights into the nuclear shell model (2011) Guide to the literature on the shell model as of 2010. Note: there are important subsequent developments.
Barry R. HolsteinBlue skies and effective interactions "This paper shows how the basic physics of Rayleigh scattering, responsible for the blueness of the sky, can be extracted using the techniques of effective interactions, which have become widespread in contemporary particle and nuclear physics."
Barry R. HolsteinEffective interactions and the hydrogen atom Effective field theory and effective theory (at quantum mechanics level) for the hydrogen atom.
Bertrand DelamotteA hint of renormalization "An elementary introduction to perturbative renormalization and renormalization group is presented. No prior knowledge of field theory is necessary because we do not refer to a particular physical theory."