TALENT / INT Course on Nuclear Forces

Participant List

Here is the list of students attending the course:

FirstLastInstitution Research specialty (current or planned)
BijayaAcharyaOhio University Electric properties of halo nuclei in effective field theory
AlexanderBartlTU Darmstadt Neutrino interactions with dense nuclear matter in supernovae based on chiral EFT
BridgetBertoniUniversity of Washington Constraining dark matter properties using dark matter scattering inside neutron stars
EduardoCoello PerezUniversity of Tennessee Effective theory for deformed nuclei
SteffenCruzUniv. British Columbia Studying shape coexistence in nuclei in the vicinity of Z=40 N=60
SergioDeflorianUniversity of Trento Ab initio methods for nuclear physics using the Hyperspherical Harmonics basis expansion.
BerhanDemissieGeorge Washington University Inelastic Compton scattering on the deuteron in HBChiPT.
UlrikaForsbergLund University Spectroscopy of superheavy elements (Z>=104)
YuanGaoUniversity of Jyvaskyla New-generation nuclear energy density functional with systematic inclusion of low-energy correlations.
LucieGrenteIRFU/DSM/CEA SACLAY Collectivity of neutron rich nuclei in the region of mass 100 with lifetime measurements in fission fragments.
BorisKarlssonChalmers University Developing nuclear forces from chiral effective field theory
MalinKlintefjordUniversity of Oslo Experimental probing of nuclear shapes
AnnaMcCoyUniversity of Notre Dame  Ab initio methods in nuclear structure theory in the framework of the no core shell model.
SushantMoreOhio State University Use of the similarity renormalization group (SRG), e.g., for the electro-disintegration of the deuteron.
TitusMorrisMichigan State University Inclusion of induced three-body forces within the In-Medium Similarity Renormalization Group (SRG) method.
YevgenNosykUniversity of Idaho Developing higher order few-nucleon forces from chiral EFT
MariaPiarulliOld Dominion University Electromagnetic structure of A=2,3 nuclei in chiral EFT and NN potential up to N3LO with spin-3/2 degrees of freedom
CarolineRobinCEA,DAM Ile de France Working in nuclear structure theory on a method that aims to describe in a unified way the different types of long-range correlations in nuclei.
AlessandroRoggeroUniversity of Trento Development of Quantum Monte Carlo methods suitable for calculations with chiral EFT potentials.
AlexanderRokashRuhr University Bochum Topological volume correction for deuteron-neutron scattering on the lattice.
ErmalRrapajUniversity of Washington Nuclear astrophysics research on finite temperature nuclear and neutron medium effects in the mean free path of neutrinos escaping the the proto-neutron star (I am using XEFT in order to model nuclear reactions).
ClementineSantamariaSPhN CEA SACLAY Current development and first experiments in 2014 with the MINOS device: a thick liquid hydrogen target coupled with a Time Projection Chamber dedicated to the first spectroscopy of very exotic nuclei for the study of the evolution of magic numbers.
JohannesSimonisTU Darmstadt Nuclear structure calculations based on chiral NN and 3N forces for neutron-rich nuclei
RagnarStrobergMichigan State University Experimental study of the nuclear structure of neutron-rich isotopes with gamma-ray spectroscopy
NicoleVasshUniv. Wisconsin-Madison The effect of sterile neutrinos on the reactor antineutrino anomaly using constraints from measurements of the electron neutrino magnetic moment.
ChunliZhangUniversity of Tennessee PAC (principle-axial-cranking) and TAC (tilted-axial-cranking) study in the Nuclear Energy Density Functional Theory