TALENT / INT Course on

Nuclear forces and their impact on structure, reactions and astrophysics

July 1–19, 2013
Institute for Nuclear Theory, University of Washington, Seattle, WA


This course is dedicated to the memory of Gerry Brown (1926-2013) and Ken Wilson (1936-2013).


The TALENT/INT course on Nuclear Forces is part of the TALENT initiative ("Training in Advanced Low-Energy Nuclear Theory") to develop a graduate program of excellence in low-energy nuclear theory. The program will build a network of strong connections between universities and research laboratories and institutes worldwide, and provide a unique and in-depth training ground for the future needs of nuclear physics. More details about the TALENT initiative and other courses can be found at nucleartalent.org.


The TALENT/INT course given in July, 2013 aims at teaching modern theoretical approaches to nuclear forces and their impact on nuclear structure, reactions and astrophysics. This includes the development of pionless and chiral effective field theory and renormalization group methods, with a focus on which parts of nuclear forces drive different physics in light to heavy nuclei and at neutron-rich extremes. A problem-based approach is emphasized; computational topics will be integrated with the physics topics. The principal lecturers will be Dick Furnstahl and Achim Schwenk.


Lecture notes and additional reading material will be provided. There will be three weeks of focused lectures by the principal and special lecturers and exercise sessions run by postdoc-level instructors to assist students with exercises associated with the course. The classes will also be available online. Seattle is very pleasant and beautiful in the summer. There are many options for recreational activities either in the city or the surrounding mountains, lakes and ocean.


Please email one of the local organizers:
Dick Furnstahl at furnstahl.1@osu.edu or Achim Schwenk at schwenk@physik.tu-darmstadt.de