Regular Board Meeting

Wednesday, May 31, 2017, 11.30 pm.

Room 610, Physics and Astronomy Tower

Regular Board Meeting

Wednesday, April 26, 2017, 11.30 pm.

Room 610, Physics and Astronomy Tower

Regular Board Meeting

Wednesday, February 22, 2017, 11.30 pm.

Small Meeting Room, Physics and Astronomy Tower

Regular Board Meeting

Wednesday, January 25, 2017, 11.30 pm.

Room 610, Physics and Astronomy Tower

Regular Board Meeting

Wednesday, June 29, 2016, 11.30 pm.

Room 610, Physics and Astronomy Tower

The agenda:

Regular Board Meeting

Wednesday, May 25, 2016, 11.30 pm.

Room 610, Physics and Astronomy Tower

The agenda: (1) [10 mins] News ( Updates on PNSC+PNNL (Martin Savage) and WSU+Hyak (Chance Reschke) . (2) [40 mins] Hyak in the Exascale Era (Chance Reschke) [ i) Revised Master MOU] (3) [10 mins] Other (Chance Reschke) [i) Other items in the MOU, ii) Research Computing Governance, iii) Expansion of Hyak beyond present boundaries, iv) Outlook and Lifetime]

Regular Board Meeting

Friday, November 13, 2015, 1.30 pm.

Room 610, Physics and Astronomy Tower

The agenda was: (1) [20-30 mins] Pacific Northwest Supercomputing Center ( Doug Ray and Thom Dunning), followed by discussion. (2) [10 mins] Update on the STF related to HYAK (Jim Pfaendtner). (3) [10 mins] Next Generation HYAK and Timetable (Chance Reschke). (4) [10 mins] Next Generation MOU (Chance Reschke).

Exploratory Workshop: Role of High-Performance Computing in the Pacific Northwest

Joint with PNNL and WSU Meeting

Monday, July 27, 2015, 9.00 am.

Physics and Astronomy Tower

This exciting one-day workshop explored the possibility of forming a regional HPC alliance between PNNL, WSU and the UW. Before lunch, the scientific computing needs of each institution were outlined, as were the current plans of each institution to meet these needs. A panel discussion followed after lunch, where each institution expressed their vision of what an alliance might look like.

Previous Board Meetings

Prior to these meetings, and to the creation of this website, there were several meetings chaired by Vice-Provost Mary Lidstrom.