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Kaplan photoAddress/Telephone:

Institute for Nuclear Theory
Box 351550
Univ. of Washington
Seattle WA 98195 USA
(206) 685-3546
email: dbkaplan

David's home page


David B. Kaplan:  Recent talks and lectures

QCD, Chirality, and Topological Insulators
(You Tube)
QCD at 50
Sept. 11 - 15, 2023

Anomalies,edge states, and topology
EuroPLEx Summer School 2022
Benasque, Spain
June 6-8

From Dirac Fermions to Topological Matter: a common thread in particle and condensed matter physics
(Keynote or PowerPoint)
Roger Dashen Memorial Lecture
April 7, 2022

Gravitational contributions to the electron g-factor
CERN Theory seminar
May 27, 2021

Convergence of nuclear effective field theory with perturbative pions
(Keynote or PowerPoint)
University of Maryland nuclear physics seminar
September 18, 2020

Science and Ann Nelson
PDFVideo (You Tube)
BLV 2019
Madrid, Spain
October 21, 2019

Lectures on Effective Field Theory
Sao Paulo, Brasil
February 22-26, 2016

Peering Beyond the Horizon with Axions
Loeb Lecture
Harvard University
April 23, 2009

Lattice Supersymmetry
Schladming Winter School
Schladming, Austria
Feb. 24- Mar. 3, 2007