In relativistic heavy ion collisions
it is usually assumed that the pion source resulting
from the collision is cylindrically symmetric around the beam axis
and is transparent to emitted pions. Thus the detector should
receive particles from all kinematically-allowed regions of the source.
This leads to a prediction
the radius parameter toward the detector, ,
is larger than the corresponding radius perpendicular to the
, for particles of zero rapidity:
the duration of
pion emission, and
the pion velocity in the direction of the detector.
Experimentally these HBT radius parameters
are extracted from the two-particle momentum correlation functions, and it is
found that for A+Au collisions at RHIC,
is approximately equal to
Moreover, it is observed that at higher values of the average pion pair
may actually be smaller than
These observations contradict the theoretical expectations above,
and have been taken as an indication that the emission duration may be
extremely short, i.e. that the source freezes out quite suddenly,
even in the presence of pion-emitting resonances and transit-time effects.
To avoid this scenario,
Heiselberg and Vischer[61]
have proposed that
the source should not be assumed to be transparent to pions,
but rather should be treated as opaque.
Their study, as well as a more detailed one by
Tomasik and Heinz[62],
showed that an opaque source would indeed lead naturally to
smaller than
for plausible emission durations.
However, both of these studies used the high energy limit
and the semi-classical
(eikonal) approximation to treat the pions emerging from the
This procedure cannot be
justified for the pions of momenta of a few hundred
MeV/c used in the
experimental correlation studies. Furthermore,
neither calculation produces
thus violating a basic symmetry: at zero momentum
one cannot distinguish the momentum differences
or define any transverse momentum direction.
We are attempting to
properly treat the effects of opacity by
describing the system of two outgoing pions by solving
quantum mechanical wave equations for the pions in an opaque medium,
using a relativistic optical model.
These calculations are presently in a preliminary form,
but we can already state some of the results.
We find that at ,
as required.
We find also that at larger momenta
can be less than
that there are saturation effects, and
we predict some
dependence for
The latter results are seen in the data
but cannot be accommodated by references [61,62].
The aim of future work would be to check,
refine and apply the techniques to all of the
available data. The ultimate aim is to
remove the effects of opacity from the experimental
data so that the correct underlying value of
be determined.