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- 1
- G.A. Miller, B.M.K. Nefkens and I. Slaus,
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- A. Bulgac and Y. Yu. Phys. Rev. Lett. 88
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G. W. Carter,
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G. A. Miller,
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U. van Kolck, J. A. Niskanen and G. A. Miller,
Phys. Lett. B 493, 65 (2000)
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G. A. Miller,
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C. Boros, J. T. Londergan and A. W. Thomas,
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G. A. Miller and A. W. Thomas,
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- A. Bulgac, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 050402 (2002).
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- A. Bulgac and P.F. Bedaque, cond-mat/0210217.
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- A. Bulgac and P.F. Bedaque, Dilute quantum
gases with large positive scattering length, in preparation.
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- J. Carlson et al. physics/0303094.
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- K.M. O'Hara et al., Science, 298, 2179
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- 78
- A. Bulgac and Y. Yu, cond-mat/0303235.
- 79
- A. Bulgac and P.F. Bedaque,
A dilute atomic Fermi system with a large positive scattering
- 80
- A. Bulgac and A. Wirzba, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87,
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- 81
- A. Bulgac and A. Wirzba, New methods in
calculating Casimir energy, in preparation.
- 82
- Y. Yu, S. Aberg and S. Reimann, work in progress.
Martin Savage