As noted above the experimental paper observing the reaction
has been submitted to PRL[2], and I am a co-author.
But the theorists task is to compute the cross section.
First results for
have been obtained for
both in plane wave approximation and in including
distortions. We have analyzed several reaction mechanisms. The important
ones are the effects of external
charge symmetry breaking in
scattering[64] (if the effect
of distortions are included) and an enhancement of
via heavy meson exchange.
We are in the process of analyzing the new IUCF data along with recently
announced results for the
Charge symmetry predicts
that the
are emitted symmetrically about 90
in the
center of mass.
The effects of charge symmetry breaking in
scattering led to a
correction prediction of the sign of the asymmetry[66],
but the magnitude is not as large as we expected. So refinements of the
calculation are necessary.
The ultimate aim is
to extract consistent values of the mass difference between the up and down
quarks using a combined analysis of the two experiments. Various improvements
of the theory are in progress[67].