An effective field theory is used to give a model-independent
description of Compton scattering at energies comparable to the
pion mass [43]. The amplitudes for scattering on the proton
and the
deuteron, calculated to fourth order in small momenta in baryon PT,
contain four undetermined parameters that
are in one-to-one correspondence with the nucleon
polarizabilities. These polarizabilities are extracted from fits
to data on elastic photon scattering on hydrogen and
deuterium. For the proton we find:
, both in units of
For the isoscalar polarizabilities we obtain:
, in the same units.
Our results are consistent, within error bars, with
the recent extraction of
from the Lund data
using the detailed model of Levchuk and L'vov [44,45]. (But see
also the values found using the data of Refs. [46,47] and
this model [47,45].). The EFT can be improved by the introduction
of an explicit
-isobar field, a complete treatment of the
very-low-energy region, and a better understanding of the dependence
of the results on the choice of deuteron wave function.