The main progress concerned nucleon form factors, charge symmetry breaking, parity violation, nuclear deep inelastic scattering, skewed or off-forward parton distributions, and relativistic heavy ion physics.
The work on the nucleon form factor received widespread attention. An invited talk at the Philadelphia APS meeting led to publication of articles about the work in the New York Times, New Scientist, Focus, and Nuclear News with more publications expected.
I also participated in an experiment
that successfully measured a cross section for
a reaction
that is forbidden by an approximate
symmetry known as
charge symmetry (the interchange of u and d quarks)[1].
This experiment
successfully observed the cross section[2],
which is a square of a ``forbidden
matrix element''. This experiment
also had an invited Philadelphia APS
talk and a press conference. Wide attention
was received, with publication in Science News and mention in Scientific
American. I have been asked to write (and did
write) a ``popular'' account that will appear in Physics World ( the
British version of Physics Today)[3].