Physics 325 - Quantum Mechanics
Winter 2002
General Information
Office hours, grading policy, etc.
Schedule of exams, vacations, and tentative schedule for topics covered in class.
Assignments and Solutions
Problem set assignments and their solutions; extra handouts.
How to access and start using this computer program for doing sophisticated math.
Check it out:
Schroedinger's Cat!
(from APS news)
Important notices:
Histograms of final exam and total class scores are avilable on the
Grades (by last 4 digits of student ID #) are posted
for a limited time.
Graded final exams are available to be picked up outside my office as of Friday 3/22.
Solutions to the final exam are found on the
Various Quantum Mechanics Links:
Beautiful Java applet for visualizing the hydrogen wavefunctions.
Brief summary of various QM topics (University of Toronto)
The invention of Quantum Mechanics (synopsis)
American Institute of Physics' Einstein exhibit
American Institute of Physics' Heisenberg exhibit
Java applet demonstrating quantum mechanical scattering
Various applets demonstrating quantum mechanical systems