Instructor: David Kaplan
Office: Physics C433 (Note: C wing is in the tower beneath the Physics library)
Office Hours: Monday, 2:30-4PM, and by arrangement at other times.
Telephone: 685-3546
TA: Chin-Yet Lin, Physics B157,
TA Office Hours: Thursday, 4-6PM, Room
C441, Physics and Astronomy Building.
Starting Thursday 1/17
Lectures: MWF 10:30-11:20, Physics A110
Quantum Physics, Stephen Gasiorowicz, second edition,
Wiley 1996,
Lectures will include material not in the text.
Homework: Assigned most Fridays
and due the following Friday Discussing the
problems in groups is encouraged, but you must write up your own solutions.
Assignments and solutions will be posted on the web.
Homework will be graded and will constitute 25% of the course grade.
Homework must be turned in in class, or in my mailbox by 12:20 the day
it's due, or it will not be accepted. Better to turn in incomplete
than late.
Midterm exams: There will be two in-class, one-hour, open-book midterms.
Dates to be announced next week
There will be no make-up midterm exams.
Grades: One
midterm score or half of the final exam score (whichever is worst) will
be dropped.
The course grade will be computed as follows:
HW=68/100, Midterm #1=23/25, Midterm #2=19/25, Final=28/50
50% of final exam score is dropped, course score = (68/4) + 23 + 19 + (28/2)=
Computer: Basic
use of a computer mathematics program such as Mathematica will be
for some of the assigned problems. For information on how to access and
Mathematica, click
Prerequisites: Prerequisites for Physics 325 include Physics 227/228/324.
To see problem
sets and solutions from those courses, check out the course home pages: