Jan 3-10
Ch. 1, Infinite Series, Power Series.
Motivation, convergence tests, Maclaurin and Taylor series, other useful
series, examples of use.
Jan 12 - 24 Ch.
2, Complex Numbers.
Cartesian and polar form, power series definition of functions of a complex
variable, powers roots
and logarithms of complex numbers. Applications to interference,
damped and driven oscillators,
resonance, electric circuits, complex impedance.
Mon Jan 15 Martin Luther King holiday.
Fri Jan 26 First midterm exam (open book, calculators allowed). Solutions and scores here .
Jan 29 - Feb 14 Ch. 3, Linear
Equations, Vectors, Matrices and Determinants.
Ch. 10, sections 1-5, Coordinate transformation; tensor
Elementary matrix operations. Matrices as linear operations
on a vector space. Real and unitary
transformations. Determinants and the existence of an inverse. Eigenvalues
and eigenvectors, matrix
diagonalization. Applications to coordinate transformations, coupled
Feb 16 - 28
Ch. 7, Fourier Series.
Motivation, solution of wave equation as a Fourier series, derivation
of expansion, complex Fourier
expansion. Relation between Fourier expansions of a function and expansion
of a vector in terms of
particular basis vectors.
Mon Feb 19 Presidents' Day holiday.
Fri Feb 23 Second midterm exam, in class. Open book, no calculators. Solutions and scores here .
Mar 2 - 9
Ch. 15, sections 4-5, Integral Transforms.
Fourier transforms, analogy with unitary transformations of complex
vectors, Parseval's theorem,
Dirac delta function.
Wed Mar 14 Final
exam 2:30-4:20 PM, Smith 205.
Open book. No calculators allowed on this exam.