Physics 227 - Elementary Mathematical Physics - Winter 2001

   Web page:

Instructor:       David Kaplan

Office:             Physics C433 (Note: C wing is in the tower beneath the Physics library)

Office Hours:    Monday 2-3:30 PM, and by arrangement at other times.


Telephone:         685-3546

TA:                  Zenghui Wang,  Physics B229,

TA Office Hours:    Tuesday, 2:30-4:30.  Room C441, Physics and Astronomy Building.

Lectures:          MWF 11:30-12:20,  Physics A110

Text:                Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences, Mary L. Boas, second edition,
                        Wiley 1983.  There is a companion book with selected solved problems available
                        as well.
                       Lectures will include material not in the text.

Homework:       Assigned each Wednesday and due the following Wednesday.  Discussing the
                        problems in groups is encouraged, but you must write up your own solutions.
                        Assignments and solutions will be posted on the web.

Midterm exams:  There will be two in-class, one-hour, open-book midterms.
                        There will be no make-up midterm exams.

Grades:          The two midterm exams and the homework count as three parts of the grade, and
                        the final as two parts.  The worst part of the five will be dropped. A missed midterm
                        will count as the dropped score.
                                    If your final is the worst part, it will count as 25% of the grade, as will each
                                        of the midterms and the homework.
                                    If a midterm is the worst part, its score will be dropped so that the final will
                                        count as 50% of the grade, while the better midterm and the homework
                                        will each count as 25% of the grade.
                        You need to take at least one midterm exam plus the final to pass this course.

Computer:       Basic use of a computer mathematics program such as Mathematica will be helpful
                        for some of the assigned problems. For information on how to access and use
                        Mathematica,  click here .

 Assignments and Solutions