RHIC/INT Workshop 2001

"Ultra-relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions in the RHIC era"

May 31 - June 2, 2001

Nuclear Science Division
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 

The purpose of the workshop is to bring together theorists and experimentalists to discuss the physics of ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions in the light of the first year of data from RHIC. As witnessed at Quark Matter 2001, there is a wealth of new experimental data from the four RHIC experiments, and more results are expected by the time of the workshop. The emphasis of the workshop will be on the following topics which will be addressed in the context of the RHIC data:
  1. Initial conditions: relevance of hard scattering, gluon saturation, shadowing;
  2. Partonic energy loss: coherence effects, relation to initial conditions;
  3. Expansion dynamics: collective flow and correlations

    Steering Committee: W. Haxton (INT), R. Pisarski (BNL), J. Randrup (LBNL), H.G. Ritter (LBNL)
    Local Organizing Committee: P. Jacobs, V. Koch (Chair), L. McLerran, X.N. Wang, and N. Xu.