Nuclear astrophysics
Lars Bildsten (KITP/UCSB), The nuclear physics and astrophysics of exploding stars
Seminar speaker:
Jeff Blackmon (LSU), Astrophysical reactions in the laboratory
Hot and dense QCD
Helen Caines (Yale), Quarks and gluons under extreme conditions
Seminar speaker:
Dam Son (INT/UW), Strongly-coupled theories and universal aspects
Nuclear structure
Achim Richter (ECT*, TU Darmstadt), The physics of nuclei - some selected examples
Seminar speakers:
Sonia Bacca (TRIUMF), Halo nuclei: theory and experiment
Geoff Grinyer (NSCL/MSU), High-precision nuclear structure experiment
Hadron structure
Xiangdong Ji (Maryland), Hadron structure: lattice QCD and effective field theory
Seminar speaker:
Haiyan Gao (Duke), Frontiers in hadron structure
Petr Vogel (Caltech), Neutrinos and nuclei
Seminar speaker:
Mark Chen (Queen’s), Underground neutrino physics
Fundamental symmetries
Krishna Kumar (UMass Amherst), Low energy tests of the electroweak theory and its symmetries with leptons, nucleons and nuclei
Seminar speaker:
Vincenzo Cirigliano (LANL), Effective field theories beyond the standard model
Titles preliminary. |