phase transition has always been a mystery in QCD at finite
temperature since due to largeness of QCD coupling constant at
there is no analytic way of quantitatively understanding the
process. Together with Dam Son (INT) we have studied deconfining phase
transition in the (2+1)-dimensional SU(2) Georgi-Glashow model with an
adjoint Higgs. In this model the deconfining phase transition happens
when the gauge coupling is still small making analytical approach
possible. Around the critical temperature the dynamics of the theory
is that of a two-dimensional gas of point charges (W-bosons) and
monopoles. The phase transition is of Ising type. We have managed to
determine the deconfining phase transition as a function of masses of
the Higgs and W-bosons. This work is complete and results are
published (NT-UW-02-036, JHEP 0301:050, (2003)).