Physics 555 - Cosmology - Spring 2004
Student presentations
One half of the course grade will come from student presentations.
These are to be 20 minutes long, allowing for questions, and should
be aimed at your fellow students. You should provide a brief overview
of the topic you are discussing, and then proceed with the specifics.
You are expected to take the subject well beyond what was covered in lecture,
to be quantitative where possible, and to convey some of your interest
in the subject.
The choice of topic is very much open, so long as it pertains in some
way to the subject of the course. Various possible topics are suggested below,
but you can come up with your own ideas. Students who wish to work
in groups of 2-3 individuals may do so, and then give back-to-back talks,
allowing you to collectively go into much more detail in the subject you
have chosen. In such a case, each person will be graded on the presentation
they give themselves only.
I do not want more than one talk on a given topic, unless it is a group
talk like mentioned above. You must come
to me with the topic you have in mind, and sign up for a date.
Talks are scheduled below.
Monday 5/24, 12:30-1:50
Prager: CMB (large angle fluctuation spectrum)
Prange: SN evidence for cosmic acceleration
Clark: GUT scale baryogenesis
Friday 5/28, 12:30-1:50
Yoshi: VCDM (w < -1 model)
Wednesday 6/2, 12:30-2:30, C421 Special
spacetime point!
Drut: Quintessence
Elliott: Axions
Zurek: SUSY Dark Matter
Akcay: Electroweak baryogenesis
Yoon: Gravitational lensing
Lin: Galaxy
Hahn: Topological defects I
Dominguez: Topological defects II
Sorini: Inflation models
possible presentation topics (no particular order)
CMB fluctuation spectrum
Theory of acoustic peaks (medium angle)
Connection with inflation
Sunyaev-Zeldovitch effect (small angle)
Sachs-Wolfe effect
Evidence for a reionization epoch (large angle)
Correlations in the quadrupole and octapole the universe
a dodecahedron? (large angle)
Dark matter
constraints on
axions as a candidate
supersymmetric dark matter candidates
searches for MACHOS
terrestrial searches
evidence for
theories of
origin of fluctuations
Cosmology of topological defects
The cosmic distance ladder (techniques for determining distances)
Type 1A supernova observations and evidence for acceleration
theories of GUT baryogenesis
theories of electroweak baryogenesis
Galaxy formation
Galaxies counts and correlations
Star formation
What can be learned from the Lyman alpha forest
Gravitational lensing as an observational tool
Neutrinos in cosmology
BBN in greater detail
recombination in greater detail
Quintessence as dark energy