Professor : David Kaplan
Office: C433
Telephone: 685-3546
office hrs: Wed. 4:30-5:30, or by appointment, or by luck at other times.Grader: Sukjin Yoon
Office: B427
Telephone: 543-3904
office hrs: by appointment
Text: Lie Groups in Particle Physics, 2nd edition, by H. Georgi
Books on reserve (titles linked to UW library catalogue):
- Finite groups and quantum theory, by D.B. Chesnut
- Group theory in physics : an introduction, by J.F. Cornwell
- Nonrelativistic Quantum Mechanics, by Landau & Lifschitz
Syllabus:The goal of this course is to cover 2+ weeks on finite groups (going somewhat beyond the first chapter of Georgi), and then a majority of the material in the first 20 chapters of Georgi, with some additional material thrown in, such as representations of the Lorentz group, and a little about the topology of groups. There will be reading assignments each week, along with the problems sets, but you won't be getting a more detailed syllabus!
There will be roughly one problem set due every week. Some fraction of the problems will be graded, and the scores of the graded problems will constitute 70% of the grade for the course. Working together on problems sets is fine.
There will be a take-home exam at the end of the quarter which will count for the remaining 30% of the course grade.