program adiabatic_rotor c written by G. Ballentine, G. Bertsch, N. Onishi and K. Yabana c based on the theory of Bertsch, Onishi and Yabana, Zeitschrift c fuer Physik D34 (1995) 213. This program may be freely used c providing such use cites the source, c G. Ballentine, G. Bertsch, N. Onishi and K. Yabana, (2005) to be c published. c program should output = 0.192 implicit none integer Imax,Mzmax,M3max,I,Mz,M3,KECH,iter,iet,intu,n real*8 pi,eps,rImax,dI,dMz,dM3,betamu0B,J1J3,ht,zsum,pol real*8 rI,rMz,rM3,weight,Jtheta0,et,a,b,c,d,u0,u1,u2,Jtheta real*8 nu,taut,ellp1,ellp2,Jint,ubar,uhist,uu,emin,umin,usum c note that Mzmax =/ M3max, to remove multiple solutions parameter(Imax=200,Mzmax=200,M3max=201) parameter(rImax=4.d0,eps=5d-3,pi=3.141592653589793d0) dimension uhist(100) c there are two basic inputs, x=beta*mu_0*B, and J1/J3 c beta*mu_0*B betamu0B=1.0d0 if( stop 'parameter out of range: x < 0.001' c J1/J3 J1J3=1.d0 do n=1,100 uhist(n)=0.d0 enddo dI=rImax/dfloat(Imax) dMz=2.d0/dfloat(Mzmax) dM3=2.d0/dfloat(M3max) ht=betamu0B zsum=0.d0 pol=0.d0 do I=1,Imax c write(*,*) 'I=',I rI=I*dI c set Mzmax even to limit Mz < 0 do Mz=1,Mzmax/2 rMz=-1.d0+(Mz-0.5d0)*dMz do M3=1,M3max rM3=-1.d0+(M3-0.5d0)*dM3 c rMz =/ rM3 if(abs(rMz-rM3).lt.1d-5) then write(*,*) 'abs(rMz-rM3) is too small' stop endif weight=rI**2*exp(-rI**2*((1-rM3**2)+J1J3*rM3**2)) zsum=zsum+weight Jtheta0=2*pi*rI*(1-abs(rMz-rM3)/2.d0-abs(rMz+rM3)/2.d0) c adiabatic connection between E and I c set et at minimum potential energy et=1d10 do n=1,100 uu=-1+(n-0.5d0)/50.d0 emin=rI**2*(rMz-rM3*uu)**2/(1-uu*uu)-ht*uu if( then et=emin umin=uu endif enddo et=et+1d-3 iet=0 10 continue a=-ht b=-et-rI**2*rM3**2 c=ht+2*rI**2*rMz*rM3 d=et-rI**2*rMz**2 call CBCEQ(A,B,C,D,u0,u1,u2,KECH) c if not 3 roots, increase energy if(KECH.eq.1) then write(*,*) 'warning: no three real solutions',umin,et et=et+0.01d0 iet=iet+1 if(iet.eq.5) stop 'failto find three real solutions' go to 10 endif c newton method to find energy do iter=1,10 call Jint_sub(u0,u1,u2,Jint) Jtheta=2*sqrt(ht)*Jint nu=(u2-u1)/(u2-u0) taut=ellp1(nu)*2/sqrt(ht*(u2-u0)) if(abs(Jtheta0-Jtheta).lt.eps) exit et=et+(Jtheta0-Jtheta)/taut iet=0 20 continue b=-et-rI**2*rM3**2 d=et-rI**2*rMz**2 call CBCEQ(A,B,C,D,u0,u1,u2,KECH) if(KECH.eq.1) then write(*,*) 'warning: no three real solutions,iet=',iet,et et=et+1d-4 iet=iet+1 if(iet.eq.5) stop 'failto find three real solutions' go to 20 endif if(iter.eq.10) then write(*,120) I,Mz,M3,abs(Jtheta-Jtheta0) 120 format(1x,'et not converged',3i5,f15.7) endif enddo c u0,u1,u2 are obtained. ubar=u0+(u2-u0)*ellp2(nu)/ellp1(nu) pol=pol+weight*ubar intu=(ubar+1)*50.d0+1 if( write(*,*) 'intu out of range' c histgram uhist(intu)=uhist(intu)+weight end do end do end do zsum=zsum*dI*dMz*dM3 c average polarization pol=pol*dI*dMz*dM3/zsum write(*,15) betamu0B,J1J3,pol 15 format(2f8.3,f10.5) write(*,*) do n=1,100 usum=usum+uhist(n) enddo open(7,file='udist.dat',form='formatted') do n=1,100 write(7,100) (n-0.5d0)*0.02d0-1.d0, uhist(n)/usum/0.02d0 100 format(1x,2f15.6) enddo close(7) stop end c complete elliptic integral of 1st kind, K(k) FUNCTION ELLP1(FM) IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) DATA A0,A1/ 1.38629436112D0, 0.09666344259D0/ DATA A2,A3/ 0.03590092383D0, 0.03742563713D0/ DATA A4,B0/ 0.01451196212D0, 0.5D0 / DATA B1,B2/ 0.12498593597D0, 0.06880248576D0/ DATA B3,B4/ 0.03328355346D0, 0.00441787012D0/ FM1=1.0D0-FM F1IN=1.0D0/FM1 ELLP1=A0+FM1*(A1+FM1*(A2+FM1*(A3+A4*FM1))) 1 +(B0+FM1*(B1+FM1*(B2+FM1*(B3+B4*FM1))))*DLOG(F1IN) RETURN END c complete elliptic integral of 2nd kind, E(k) FUNCTION ELLP2(FM) IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) DATA A1/ 0.44325141463D0/ DATA A2,A3/ 0.06260601220D0, 0.04757383546D0/ DATA A4 / 0.01736506451D0/ DATA B1,B2/ 0.24998368310D0, 0.09200180037D0/ DATA B3,B4/ 0.04069697526D0, 0.00526449639D0/ FM1=1.0D0-FM F1IN=1.0D0/FM1 ELLP2=1.0D0+FM1*(A1+FM1*(A2+FM1*(A3+A4*FM1))) 1 + FM1*(B1+FM1*(B2+FM1*(B3+B4*FM1)))*DLOG(F1IN) RETURN END c integral related to the action J_theta subroutine Jint_sub(u0,u1,u2,Jint) implicit none integer i,Nmax real*8 u0,u1,u2,Jint,pi,x1,x2,dx,s,x,u real*8 ubar,udif,theta parameter(Nmax=200,pi=3.141592653589793d0) if( stop 'u1 or u2 out of range' if( then x1=acos(u2) x2=acos(u1) if( stop dx=(x2-x1)/Nmax s=0.d0 do i=1,Nmax x=x1+(i-0.5d0)*dx u=cos(x) s=s+sqrt((u0-u)*(u1-u)*(u2-u))/sin(x) enddo Jint=s*dx else if( then x1=sqrt(1+u1) x2=sqrt(1+u2) dx=(x2-x1)/Nmax s=0.d0 do i=1,Nmax x=x1+(i-0.5d0)*dx u=x*x-1 s=s+sqrt((u0-u)*(u1-u)*(u2-u))/(1-u*u)*2*x enddo Jint=s*dx else if( then x1=sqrt(1-u2) x2=sqrt(1-u1) dx=(x2-x1)/Nmax s=0.d0 do i=1,Nmax x=x1+(i-0.5d0)*dx u=1-x*x s=s+sqrt((u0-u)*(u1-u)*(u2-u))/(1-u*u)*2*x enddo Jint=s*dx else ubar=(u2+u1)/2.d0 udif=(u2-u1)/2.d0 s=0.d0 do i=1,Nmax theta=(i-0.5d0)*pi/Nmax-(pi/2) u=ubar+udif*sin(theta) s=s+cos(theta)**2*sqrt(u-u0)/(1-u*u) enddo Jint=s*(pi/Nmax)*udif**2 endif return end c solve 3rd order algebraic equation ax^3+bx^2+cx+d=0 c if a=0 stop c if three real solutions, KECH=0 and x1