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Senior Fellows

Larry McLerran, Director, Professor
|| 206-616-0792 || PAT C411B || email: lmcler at uw dot edu || web page
Hot and dense matter, high energy nuclear physics
2015 Herman Feshbach Prize

David Kaplan, Senior Fellow, Professor
|| 206-685-3546 || PAB B455 || email: dbkaplan at uw dot edu || web page
Effective field theory for nuclear physics; lattice QCD; physics beyond the Standard Model; particle cosmology.

Sanjay Reddy, Senior Fellow, Professor
|| 206-685-2397 || PAT C433 || email: sareddy at uw dot edu || web page
Nuclear and neutrino astrophysics: cosmic explosions, neutron stars and quantum many-body theory.

Martin J. Savage, Senior Fellow, Professor
|| 206-543-7481 || PAT C408 || email: mjs5 at uw dot edu || web page
Lattice QCD for nuclear physics, effective field theory for nuclear physics, QCD and Standard Model phenomenology


Martin Hoferichter, Fellow, Research Assistant Professor
|| 206-685-9782 || PAT C418 || email: mhofer at uw dot edu

Alessandro Roggero Fellow, Research Assistant Professor
|| 206-685-3348 || PAT C404 || email: roggero at uw dot edu

Associate Senior Fellows

George Bertsch, Associate Senior Fellow, Professor Emeritus
|| 206-543-2895 || PAT C406 || email: bertsch at uw dot edu || web page
Nuclear theory; atomic cluster theory, and many-particle theory in general.
2004 Bonner Prize

Wick Haxton, INT Associate Senior Fellow, UW Professor Emeritus, UC Berkeley Professor of Physics, LBNL Faculty Senior Scientist
email: haxton at berkeley dot edu || web page
Nuclear astrophysics and solar neutrinos; weak interactions and symmetries; many-body simulations.
2004 Bethe Prize

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Research Associates

Mawande Lushozi
|| 206-685-9781 || PAT C420 || email: mlushozi at uw dot edu

Christopher Monahan
|| 206-685-3620 || PAT C437 || email: cjm373 at uw dot edu || web page

Kelly Patton
|| 206-685-9828 || PAT C424 || email: kmpatton at uw dot edu

Caroline Robin
|| 206-685-9778 || PAT C422 || email: carolr8 at uw dot edu

Srimoyee Sen
|| 206-685-9830 || PAT C438 || email: srimoyee at uw dot edu

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Graduate Students

Bryce Fore
|| PAB B418 || email: bryce4 at uw dot edu

Natalie Klco
|| PAB B454 || email: klcon at uw dot edu

Jesse Stryker
|| PAB B454 || email: stryker at uw dot edu

Dake Zhou
|| PAB B426 || email: zdk at uw dot edu

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Administrative Staff

Kimberlee Choe, Program Coordinator
|| 206-685-3509 || PAT C411d || email: jy24 at uw dot edu || web page

Farha Habib, Program Coordinator
|| 206-685-4286 || PAT C411d || email: faraway at uw dot edu || web page

Cheryl McDaniel, Program Assistant
|| 206-685-3360 || PAT C411 || email: chermcd at uw dot edu || web page

Linda Vilett, Administrator
|| 206-685-3958 || PAT C411c || email: lvilett at uw dot edu || web page

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Computing Staff
(Computing staff email: help at phys dot washington dot edu)

Wilson Waldrop, Manager of Computing Services

Alan Jedlow, Senior Computing Specialist

Christopher Phillips, Senior Computing Specialist

Bill Somsky, Unix Software Manager
|| web page

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Affiliated UW Faculty

Silas R. Beane, Professor, Nuclear Theory Group
|| 206-543-3256 || PAB B457 || email: silas at uw dot edu || web page

Aurel Bulgac, Professor, Nuclear Theory Group
|| 206-685-2988 || PAB B478 || email: bulgac at uw dot edu || web page

Blayne Heckel, Professor, Experimental Atomic Group
|| 206-685-2401 || PAB C515 || email: heckel at uw dot edu || web page

Gerald Miller, Professor, Nuclear Theory Group
|| 206-543-2995 || PAB B484 || email: miller at uw dot edu || web page

R.G. Hamish Robertson, Professor, Nuclear Experiment Group
|| 616-2745/685-9060 || PAB B476/NPL || email: rghr at uw dot edu || web page

Stephen Sharpe, Professor, Particle Theory Group
|| 206-685-2395 || PAB B408 || email: srsharpe at uw dot edu || web page

Laurence Yaffe, Professor, Particle Theory Group
|| 206-543-3902 || PAB B406 || email: yaffe at uw dot edu || web page

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