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INT TALENT 2015: Nuclear Physics of Neutron Stars and Supernovae (INT-15-59W)
(INT Program June 22- July 10, 2015)

Reported by C.J. Horowitz, S. Reddy
  Date posted August 3, 2015

The INT hosted the TALENT summer lectures on the "Nuclear Physics of Neutron Stars and Supernovae", June 22- July 10, 2015. The lectures were aimed at providing the theoretical basis needed to describe neutron rich dense matter and its role in neutron stars and supernova. A significant component of the course was also devoted to describing strategies to probe neutron rich matter with laboratory experiments and astronomical observations with photons, neutrinos, and gravitational waves. A total of 30 students were accepted from50 applicants. We had 10 foreign students, 10 women and the amongst the US students there were 3 locals from the University of Washington.

The course format and pedagogy were designed to conform to the guidelines set by the TALENT (Training in Advanced Low Energy Nuclear Theory, see program, and included 45 hours of lectures, several guest seminars, afternoon exercises, and one final student project. A detailed schedule and accesses to course material, guest seminars, and student seminars can be found online at The course also included a field trip to the LIGO (Laser Interferometer for Gravitational-Wave Observatory) facility at Hanford, WA (the adjoining photo was taken in the LIGO control room by our host Mike Landry).