Many contemporary open problems at the frontiers of nuclear and
particle physics are characterized by the existence of a separation of
scales that can be exploited using effective field theories
(EFTs). The EFT method treats the low energy degrees of freedom as
dynamical fields, and takes into account higher-energy scales
systematically through matching conditions. The choice of the
low-energy degrees of freedom that remain dynamical depends on the
physical observables we wish to describe.
State-of-the-art applications of EFT involve multiple effective field
theories to deal with several different scales. Examples include
sequences of EFTs in which the dynamical degrees of freedom have
increasingly lower energies. Other applications involve very different
EFTs that are combined in innovative ways to systematically separate
the scales. EFT methods developed in high energy and nuclear physics
have been applied successfully in other fields, such as atomic,
molecular, and solid state physics. Many-body systems involving
multiple scales are of interest to physicists from many backgrounds,
and new avenues for studying these systems in very clean settings have
recently emerged in condensed matter physics and especially in atomic
physics. Scope of this institute has been to bring together EFT
practitioners with overlapping interests, but different specialized
expertise, and lattice practitioners, phenomenologists and scientists
with a different core expertise.
This interdisciplinary workshop focused on addressing multi-scale
problems in various areas of physics using a variety of effective
field theories and focusing of some of the most interesting
contemporary problems, precisely:
Key problems in nuclear physics, such as transport properties of light particles, jets,
and charmonia in dense matter, in which precision analysis of experiments is based on coupling
several effective field theories.
Key problems in dark matter, including dealing with the multiple scales
involved in the scattering of weakly interacting massive particles (wimps) in direct
detection experiments and the annihilation of pairs of wimps in indirect detection experiments,
especially when the wimps have resonant self-interactions.
The quantum and classical theoretical study of systems in non-equilibrium addressed with the
tool of open systems combined with effective field theories. This subject overarched a
large span of problems from the study of the nonequilibrium evolution of quarkonium in
a medium to the study of dissipation at Black Hole horizon.
Exotics configuration arising in many body strongly coupled theories
with particular reference to the X Y Z states observe at LHC
experiments and at B and tau-charm factories. In this case new EFT
constructions have been presented that allow to obtain and describe
for the first time the spin structure of exotics hybrids. A novel
alliance of EFT and lattice QCD is needed to fix all the
nonperturbative parameters.
The workshop initiated new discussions between scientists with an
expertise in effective field theories and those engaged in large scale
lattice computations. We hope that one outcome of the workshop will be
the lattice calculation of new EFTs defined low energy objects crucial
for phenomenological applications.