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New frontiers in large N gauge theories
The workshop "New frontiers in large N gauge theories,"
held at the INT February 3-6, 2009,
succeeded in bringing together physicists from different communities:
large N phenomenology,
lattice gauge theory, formal QFT, and AdS/CFT,
to explore topics of joint interest.
The workshop provided an environment ideal for the cross-fertilization
of ideas.
Various new questions emerged from these
interactions and will hopefully lead to useful progress in the
analytical and numerical understanding of gauge theories, with
possible applications to models of new physics beyond the Standard Model.
A few subjects which were prominently discussed during the workshop
and are attracting growing interest include the following:
Large N volume independence
Volume independence of non-Abelian gauge theories is expected to
provide both analytical insight into their non-perturbative aspects
and also constitute a cost-effective numerical approach for extracting
properties of infinite volume theories from lattice simulations using
only one or a few lattice sites.
Two viable schemes in which one can construct a fully
reduced theory are known. These involve the addition of either
center stabilizing deformations to pure YM theory, or
light adjoint fermions endowed with periodic boundary conditions.
When combined with large N orientifold equivalence,
which relates QCD(adj) ( i.e., Yang-Mills with adjoint fermions)
to QCD(AS) (Yang-Mills with antisymmetric representation fermions),
the validity of large N volume independence in QCD(adj)
has practical import for the understanding of real QCD at N=3.
The fact that the ZN center symmetry does not break in
the continuum limit of massless QCD(adj) when compactified on
R3 × S1, no matter how small the R1S1 radius,
is unambiguous.
During the workshop, concerns were raised that in lattice
formulations, this does not necessarily imply that the one-site
reduced model for lattice regularized QCD(adj) will have unbroken
center symmetry.
A practical question which is currently being studied is the determination
of the center symmetry realization in specific lattice regularized
Are there lattice artifacts that may lead to center symmetry broken phases?
How fine a discretization is needed to have unbroken center symmetry
(upon which large N volume independence relies)?
In N = 1 SYM theory [which is Nf=1 QCD(adj)],
our analytic understanding of the presence of
unbroken center symmetry crucially relies on supersymmetry,
which is broken in conventional lattice formulations.
In the continuum, the preservation of center symmetry is also related
to the presence of discrete chiral symmetry.
For Nf=2 QCD(adj) theory,
taking the strict chiral limit on the lattice may not be necessary,
and a few groups are exploring this issue.
Instead of relying on dynamical fermions to obtain valid fully reduced
models, one can also add explicit center stabilizing terms to the action.
However, for a d-dimensional compactification, the number of required
stabilizing terms grows as Nd, making simulations of the reduced model
rather costly. It is not currently know if this construction is preferable
over conventional lattice formulations requiring sufficiently large volumes.
Exploration of strongly-coupled models of new physics
During the
workshop, exploratory lattice studies to determine the conformal
window of QCD-like gauge theories were discussed.
These studies are particularly important if a strongly coupled
Higgs-sector is found at the LHC.
Walking technicolor is known to present a plausible solution to the
electro-weak symmetry breaking problem.
However, the determination of
the class of QCD-like theories where this scenario can work
requires non-perturbative study.
QCD-like theories with 2-index symmetric representation and adjoint
representation fields are likely candidates,
and initial lattice results for such theories were discussed.
Although not fully conclusive, largely due to the fact that the
massless limit is numerically difficult to reach, there is some useful
lattice data indicating conformal behavior in a few examples.
We need new analytical and numerical input
to fully understand this class of generalized QCD-like theories
as a function of Nc and Nf.
New analytic methods to study QCD-like gauge theories
on R3 × S1
This part of the workshop highlighted two areas of progress.
One is that phase transitions associated with changes in
realization of center symmetry -
analogs of confinement-deconfinement transitions -
can be accessible using weak coupling techniques
when a QCD-like theory has at least one compactified direction.
With double-trace deformations of the type mentioned
the confinement-deconfinement transition can be pushed to
small radius and can be examined both analytically and numerically.
This is the first time that the transitions of this type can be
analyzed analytically,
in a regime where one has full control over the (continuum) theory.
It was also pointed that S1 compactified small-radius center stabilized
theories with only discrete global symmetries should be continuously connected
to the large radius regime,
whereas theories with continuous global symmetries should have a single
chiral transition which is not associated with any change in
center symmetry.
Verifying these expectations with numerical studies is highly desirable.
An index theorem for topological excitations on R3 × S1, new
topological excitations such as magnetic bions and magnetic
quintets responsible for confinement in various
vector-like and chiral theories,
and duality in gauge theories, were discussed in detail. Since the
regime where these excitations are visible is a semi-classical window
in which analytical methods are reliable, it is also desirable to check
predictions of semi-classical analysis using lattice methods which
can probe portions of the phase diagram at larger radius.
One question of importance is whether non-perturbative
techniques on R3 × S1 can be usefully applied to pin down
the conformal window of asymptotically free theories, or other
scenarios motivated by walking technicolor.
We also expect the R3 × S1 index theorem and fuller understanding of
non-perturbative excitations to be useful in the context of
supersymmetric theories, particularly for resolving some puzzles
concerning dynamical supersymmetry breaking which rely on
assumptions about confinement.
(INT workshop February 3 - 6, 2009)
Reported by Barak Bringoltz
Date posted June 5, 2009
Non-perturbative large-N equivalences
Strongly coupled chiral gauge theories