Meet the REUs

Hava Schwartz

Home Institution: Stanford University
Research Project: Experimental Neutrino Physics
UW Mentor(s): Jason Detwiler

Q: What are your physics/science interests?
Science is a framework and a tool to be used to understand the beauty that is around us. I find my interests lean toward interdisciplinary work that create, utilize, uncover, describe, and rationalize that beauty. In short, my science interests are science. That being said, I am incredibly enthused by fundamental physical phenomena.

Q: What are your other interests?
There isn't much that doesn't interest me. My greatest passion is learning, and I never quit searching for more "clicks" as new understandings lock into place. I attempt to fill my time with laughter and light, as I deepen relationships, expand insights, and collect experiences.

Q: What would you like to do after college?
After school, there is always more school. I can envision myself staying in academia for the rest of my eternity, but there may also be non-profit work on the agenda. I will definitely be getting a PhD in physics, so that I may fulfill my dream of getting "PhD" in classy letters tattooed on my right butt cheek, making me a literal smartass.

Q: Tell us one strange but interesting fact about yourself.
My toenails grow extremely quickly.

Q: What first sparked your interest in Physics?
It is not that I am interested in physics; it is that physics is the name for the category that fits my interests. I have always had an annoyingly large capacity for curiosity, a hunger for satisfying it, and a patience to keep trying. I am a physicist because I have these things, and that started long before I touched any equations.

Q: If you could have any pet what would it be?
Seagulls are my favorite animals due to the freedom I project onto them, but making one my pet would take away its appeal. Perhaps, I could have one as a friend, instead.

Q: If you had a free month and unlimited funds, how would you spend your time?
Real-life battleship.

Q: If you could get a grant to study anything what would it be?
I would pattern ocean waves, tides, and currents, largely for the excuse to travel from beach to beach, but also for the applications of more accurate models and mappings of the oceans.