Daniel Gochnauer
Home Institution: Millersville University
Research Project: Ultracold Atoms and Molecules
UW Mentor(s): Subhadeep Gupta
Q: What are your physics/science interests?
I like both physics and chemistry, and so I chose to study both when I went to college (somehow I never found an interest in biological domains). It is therefore understandable that I would be drawn to subfields in which these two overlap, including physical chemistry, materials science, particle physics, and atomic physics.
Q: What are your other interests?
I can entertain myself doing a great many things, none of which I would say hold a particular superiority over others. And so a short list, though certainly incomplete, includes the following activities: playing games (e.g. board games, video games, card games, etc.), playing sports (volleyball, ultimate frisbee, tennis, etc.), and observing various media (e.g. music, movies, novels, etc.).
Q: What would you like to do after college?
After I graduate next year, I intend to go to graduate school, pursuing one of the aforementioned subfields in which I have the strongest interest. But of course, perhaps this question is asking what I would like to do even after grad school! If this is indeed the case, then I do not have a definite answer at this time, though I do know I would like to do some traveling...
Q: Tell us one strange but interesting fact about yourself.
I make an effort to limit the amount of strange things people know about me; however, I can provide a fact which most do find interesting. I am a twin (though not identical, if anyone would have wanted to ask).
Q: What first sparked your interest in Physics?
There never was a single or particular moment when I acquired an interest in physics. I have always had a rational and analytical mind, so one could say that my interest in physics always existed; it simply increased qualitatively.
Q: If you could have any pet what would it be?
If I could have any pet, I would choose to have no pet. I do not dislike animals; I simply do not want to own one.
Q: If you had a free month and unlimited funds, how would you spend
your time?
I had to laugh at this question, because anyone who knows me will know my actual answer would be "It depends." However, due to the monologic nature of this writing, no clarification of the question can be gained, and so I shall interpret it as best I can. Put simply, I would do some travelling, as anyone would, but I would also spend some time relaxing doing nothing (because when else does anyone get that much time off!).
Q: If you could get a grant to study anything what would it be?
I would want my grants to fund the "everyday" research which I would be conducting anyway (as I will be needing research funds regardless). Indeed, this is affirmed by considering the fact that I will already be researching in a personally desirable field, so I would have no desire to direct the funds toward anything else.