Meet the REUs

Megan Geen

Home Institution: Wheaton College, Norton, MA
Research Project: Next Generation Neutrino Detectors
UW Mentor(s): Nikolai Tolich

Q: What are your physics/science interests?
A: My two main science interests are physics and computer science. Within physics I really enjoy optic, nuclear/particle physics, and computational physics.

Q: What are your other interests?
A: Outside of class I enjoy watching movies, baking (I have quite the sweet tooth), arts and crafts especially crocheting and paper crafts, reading, and all around just hanging out with friends.

Q: What would you like to do after college?
A: As of right now, I would really like to go to graduate school for physics. If that does not happen to work out right away, I would try to get a programming job with a company such as Google.

Q: Tell us one strange but interesting fact about yourself.
A: So I really enjoy traveling and really enjoy visiting different countries. When I was in high school I went on this trip to Europe. At one point we went on this salt mine tour in Austria and half way through we cross into Germany, but we were still underground. So one of my goals is to actually visit Germany and be able to see the sky, buildings, people, and to just experience the culture while there.