Meet the REUs

Andrea Katz

Home Institution: Trinity University
Research Project: Quantum Computing with Trapped Ions
UW Mentor(s): Boris Blinov

Q: What are your physics/science interests?
A: My main science interests are quantum computing, astrophysics (in San Antonio, I work on a project trying to determine elemental abundances in the Crab Nebula) and geophysics, especially aspects pertaining to seismology. I'm still exploring and finding new parts of physics that I really like, but those are my favorites so far.

Q: What are your other interests?
A: Outside of physics, my main interest is traditional New England contra music and dance. I play fiddle, tenor banjo, and mandolin, and I love to contra dance. I also spend a fair amount of time on my road bike.

Q: What would you like to do after college?
A: While I'm not entirely sure what I would like to do after college, I plan on going to grad school and working towards becoming a professor at a small liberal arts college like the one that I attend. I like the student-professor interactions at my school, and I love teaching people about physics, so it seems like a good fit for me.

Q: Tell us one strange but interesting fact about yourself.
A: I used to work as a console operator in an old, 1950's Planetarium. I had to operate everything manually and try to force projectors into working while I circled things on the dome with my laser pointer, but it was really fun. I enjoyed teaching people about the night sky.