REU Research Project List, 2003


Here is the latest information we have regarding REU research projects for the 2003 program. This page will be updated frequently—the list of projects will continue to change, so please continue to visit!


The projects and groups listed below are intended to provide interested students with an overview of research offerings in the Department of Physics, University of Washington. The list is not inclusive, but it is representative of the breadth of research opportunities—both theoretical and experimental—within the Physics Department and INT.


Students with particular interests should feel free to ask Jerry Seidler or Alejandro Garcia whether a special project can be designed: this has been done successfully in past years.



Condensed Matter Physics


Physical adsorption of simple gases and molecules on carbon nanotube bundles

Faculty: Oscar E. Vilches


My research group is currently measuring the heat capacity of 4He adsorbed (deposited) on bundles of single-wall, closed-end carbon nanotubes (SWNT) in the temperature range between 1K and 6K. It is measuring also the adsorption characteristics for Kr on the same SWNT bundles at temperatures above 77K. Planned at present are additional measurements on molecular oxygen (adsorption above and below 77K) and hydrogen (heat capacity between 1K and 20K). The REU student will join one of these projects which typically require long data acquisition runs. The group (two graduate students, two undergraduates, and myself) meets formally once a week to discuss current progress, ongoing experiments, and plans for the future; everyone shows what they are involved in. We all meet informally every day. These systems are interesting because they are representative of matter in one, two, and three dimensions. Crossovers in dimensionality, plus the possibility of different states of matter are important topics in condensed matter physics and statistical physics. Depending on funding, we may be involved also in X-ray scattering experiments to determine the structure of adsorbed molecules.


Dynamics at Ice Surfaces
Faculty: Sam Fain

Water is an ubiquitous and important molecule appearing in every environment on Earth. Extraterrestrial water condenses at such low temperatures that it forms an amorphous solid, which has diffusion properties that are important to chemical reactions occurring in space. Water is also the simplest hydrogen bonded molecule, providing a good model for hydrogen bonded systems. We are making measurements to determine the diffusion properties of water at these very low temperatures. Our lab uses one of the most powerful microscopes in the world, a variable temperature atomic force microscope capable of operating between 50K and 1000K. This microscope is housed in an Ultra High Vacuum (UHV) chamber and is capable of resolving single atoms of Si over a wide range of temperatures. Undergraduates participate in this research by designing and constructing ancillary devices and analyzing data obtained with this apparatus.


Parallel Calculations of Electronic Structure and Response Functions
Faculty: John J. Rehr, AL Ankudinov

This project deals with calculations of electronic response functions, such as the absorption and emission of x-rays, based on parallel computational algorithms. Our codes are based on a real space Green's function (RSGF) formalism which is applicable to nano-scale systems of order 103 atoms.


Linear and Nonlinear Elasticity of Foams
Faculty: Jerry Seidler

Elastic foams are very interesting from both an applications and a theory viewpoint. One long-standing problem has been a disconnection between simulation, theory, and application. The best simulations predict the elasticity at very small strains, the most reliable theory ignores the real disorder in the materials, and the industrially-interesting regime is often at high strains where neither the simulations nor the theory applies. In this project, we will build a new apparatus to directly measure the stress-strain relationship for polymer foams over five decades in strain, spanning the low-load linear regime to the initial onset of non-linear elasticity. This data will allow a critical test of the reliability of existing simulations and theory.


Wavelet Analysis of Inhomogeneous Materials
Faculty: Jerry Seidler

Although the comprehensive understanding of crystalline materials stands as one of the cornerstones of modern physics, the theoretical and commercial importance of nanoscale-amorphous or microscale-inhomogeneous should not be overlooked. Granular matter, foams, and paper are central in more than 20% of the GNP of the United States and are also materials of ongoing research interest in condensed matter physics. My group has recently developed an apparatus for micron-resolution studies of these materials in 3-dimensions. We have used this apparatus to perform the first precise experimental work on 3-D structure of granular matter in almost 50 years, the first 3-D studies of many classes of solid foams, and the first truly fiber-level studies of the 3-D structure of paper. The question is: How do you capture the important statistical aspects of a structure with only short-range order? In this project, we'll investigate the use of wavelet analysis and other tailored orthogonal-polynomial decompositions to address this question. Strong math skills and some programming knowledge are desirable for students interested in this project, although no prior knowledge of wavelets analysis is necessary.


Building Simulated Materials by Cellular Automata
Faculty: Jerry Seidler

In computational statistical physics, a key question is often: Does nature specify equations or algorithms? The realistic simulation of real disordered materials (such as foams, powders, and a range of hard and soft biological tissues) pose unique technical problems related to this question. Foremost among these problems is the difficulty of creating an ensemble of simulated materials with the same structural correlation functions as a class of real material. Unfortunately, many methods for generation of simulated disordered materials are known to be either statistically unfounded or only weakly relevant to real materials of interest. In this project we will review the prior methods for generating simulated disordered materials, and then investigate several new ideas based on Bayesian statistics and efficient computation by cellular automata. This project is a good fit for students with a good computing skills and a strong interest in stochastic processes, simulations, or nonlinear physics.


Electrolytic gating of nanotube and nanowire transistors
Faculty: David Cobden


It has recently been shown that an individual carbon nanotube immersed in an aqueous electrolyte can be gated electrolytically, by applying a suitable voltage to a counter electrode. (By 'gating' we mean that the charge density on the nanotube can be controlled, by analogy with that in the channel of a field effect transistor). When the nanotube has electrical leads attached, he resulting 'wet molecular transistor' can have an extraordinarily high transconductance, limited by quantum effects. In the Nanodevice group we make (or are developing) similar devices from inorganic nanowires (down to 10 nm in diameter), and single organic molecules, as well as from single-wall carbon nanotubes (down to 1 nm diameter) which we grow ourselves. In this project we will modify our probestation, currently employed for initial characterization of new devices, to carry out 'wet gating' on these new nanodevices. The results should teach us more about the physics of nanostructures and about their potential applications in electrochemistry and sensing.



Physics Education Research


Research-based Instructional Strategies for Teaching Physics

Faculty: Lillian C. McDermott, Paula Heron, Peter Shaffer


The Physics Education Group conducts research on student understanding of physics and uses the results to guide the design of instructional materials, which are intended for national distribution. The effectiveness of these curricula is assessed at the University of Washington and at many other institutions. REU students will have the opportunity to participate in programs shaped by the group's research, such as the summer program for K-12 teachers and the tutorials for the introductory physics course. In addition to taking part in classroom activities, previous REU participants assisted in investigations of the effect of different instructional strategies on student understanding of important fundamental concepts.




Nuclear Astrophysics


Weak Interactions, Symmetries, and Neutrinos
Faculty: Peter Doe, Steve Elliott, Hamish Robertson, and John Wilkerson

In addition to SNO (see below), our group is involved in a number of projects probing the weak interaction and neutrino properties. Current projects underway include emiT, a precision neutron beta decay measurement that is testing time-reversal invariance, as well as SAGE, the Russian American Gallium Experiment. On SAGE we are involved in the analysis of data from this gallium based solar neutrino experiment (an experiment sensitive to the low-energy p-p fusion neutrinos). We are also participating in new experiments. One, called KATRIN, will attempt to make a direct measurement of the neutrino mass via tritium beta decay. Two other experiments, MOON and Majorana, will use double beta decay to attempt an indirect, but very sensitive measurement of the neutrino mass. Most of our experiments have to be performed underground to escape the cosmic ray backgrounds. To this end we are actively participating in the establishment of a National Underground Science Laboratory (NUSL). An REU student is encouraged to consider working with us in any of these areas. More details of all these research are available at:


The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory

Faculty: Peter Doe, Steve Elliott, Hamish Robertson, and John Wilkerson

The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) is a massive, heavy water Cerenkov detector in operation 2 km underground in Sudbury, Ontario. SNO's primary mission is the study of solar neutrinos, It is also measuring atmospheric neutrinos, and it is constantly monitoring for neutrinos emitted from nearby (galactic) supernovae. Using its unique ability to distinguish between neutrino flavors, SNO, in conjunction with the Super-Kamiokande detector, has provided the definitive resolution of the long standing "solar neutrino problem," where all existing experiments observe fewer neutrinos from the sun than predicted by theory. We now know that neutrinos have mass and oscillate between flavors. Work at UW in the summer of 2002 by our group (4 Faculty, 2 postdoctoral fellow, 8 graduate students) will concentrate on analysis of the data being collected to further refine our understanding of neutrino properties. In addition we are making final preparations to upgrade the neutron detector system that will be used by SNO to make the key measurement of neutral-current neutrino interactions. There are numerous interesting hardware, software, and data analysis research opportunities available. More information on SNO, plus other useful links, can be found at our web site:




Nuclear Physics


Testing the Isobaric Mass Multiplet Equation

Faculty: Alejandro Garcia


We work on experiments on nuclear physics to search for new physics, or to understand issues related to searches for new physics. During this summer, we will try to determine with an accuracy of 10^{-8} the mass of an excited state in 32S with isospin number T=2. This would allow the most stringent test of the Isobaric Mass Multiplet Equation and will yield improved accuracy to a measurement of the electron-neutrino correlation in 32Ar beta decay.


Beta asymmetry from Neutron beta decay using UCNs

Faculty: Tom Bowles, Alejandro Garcia

This project deals with measuring the angular distribution of electrons emitted from polarized Ultra Cold Neutrons (UCNs). UCNs are neutrons that have velocities of approx 5 m/s. At these velocities neutrons can be contained in guides and trapped. Because their energy is only about 1 micro-eV they can be polarized by simply making them go through a large (approx. 7 Tesla) magnetic field. Part of the work involves developping the hardware to trap the UCNs and to measure the electrons emitted in beta decay, another part will involve doing Monte Carlo calculations in the computer to understand potential systematic uncertainties and backgrounds for the experiment. The student will work on all these aspects, getting experience on all fronts-from theory through design to measurement.


Light Front Quantum Mechanics
Faculty: Jerry Miller

In 1947 Dirac introduced a new form of relativistic quantum mechanics in which the variable ct +z acts as a "time" coordinate and ct-z acts as a "space" coordinate. This so-called light front formalism was largely forgotten until the 1970's, when it turned out to be useful in analyzing a variety of high energy experiments. Despite the phenomenological success of this formalism, it has enjoyed only limited use in computing wave functions of particles and atomic nuclei. The present project is devoted to using the light front formalism to solve quantum mechanics problems involving bound and scattering states. A mathematically strong REU student would learn about relativistic quantum mechanics through the process of solving the relevant relativistic equations. This project would involve working on interesting and timely topics and could provide great preparation for graduate school quantum mechanics, field theory or even string theory.





Gravitational Physics


Sub-millimeter-scale tests of the gravitational inverse-square law and other precision tests of "gravitational" physics

Faculty: Eric Adelberger, Blayne Heckel, Jens Gundlach


The Eot-Wash group is testing an exciting prediction that Newton's inverse-square could break down at length scales less than 1 millimeter. If verified experimentally, this prediction would provide strong evidence for more than 3+1 dimensions; i.e., that some of the "extra dimensions" of modern theories have observable consequences. Our experiments employ novel torsion pendulums and rotating attractors. Three REU students from 2000 and 2001 worked on the first version of this experiment, which recently appeared in Physical Review Letters. In 2002, an REU student worked on a second-generation experiment that proved down to length scales below 100 micrometers. New projects will include designing and constructing an electrostatic or gravitational "torsion fiber stiffener" that may increase the resonant frequency of the torsion pendulum without increasing the fiber noise. We are also making torsion balance measurements with a spin-polarized pendulum to test CPT symmetry and to search for new spin coupled forces, and working on an "anapole" pendulum to make very substantial improvements on testing for a tiny but finite photon mass. REU projects associated with these last two projects involve testing the magnetic properties of the pendulums and developing improved magnetic shields. Other instrumentation or computer projects will doubtless arise as time progresses. Our lab is well-equipped with instrumentation, machine and electronic shops so that plenty of resources are available for attacking these problems. You can learn more about our group by clicking on the Eot-Wash Gravity Group on the University of Washington Physics Department homepage.




Particle Astrophysics


Faculty: R. J. Wilkes, T. H. Burnett

WALTA (Washington Large Area Time coincidence Array) is a project to investigate the highest energy cosmic rays with the participation of middle and high school students and teachers throughout the Seattle area. Particle detectors and front-end electronics are sited at high schools and linked to UW via the schools' Internet connections. The school network forms an extensive air shower (EAS) array suitable for detection of extremely high energy cosmic ray showers. Twenty schools are already participating, and during Summer, 2003, we will hold a workshop to train teachers from another set of ~10 schools. REU students will assist with detector development and installation, preparation of materials for the summer workshop and classroom use, and maintaining contact with teachers and students.




Atomic Physics


Precision Measurements on Single Trapped, Laser-Cooled Ions
Faculty: Warren Nagourney

Our experimental work involves trapping single atomic ions in an ultra-high vacuum and bringing them essentially to rest using the radiation pressure from laser beams ("laser cooling"). Our motivation is to observe simple atomic systems in nearly complete isolation, which will ultimately enable us to make a single-ion atomic clock which is accurate to about one second in the lifetime of the universe. Interested REU students can help our efforts by constructing simple electronic or mechanical devices which will be used in the experiments.



Particle Physics


Studies of the performance of planned gamma ray telescope
Faculty: Prof. Toby Burnett

We at the UW have the lead in performing simulations of the response of GLAST, a gamma ray detector to be launched in low-earth orbit in early 2006, to incoming particles. We are involved in planning and executing such simulations, modeling a variety of sources of particles, some representing noise, and some the sort of signals we hope to study, like gamma ray bursts. There are several projects that a student could contribute to; they would involve some programming experience in C or C++. (We actually use C++).




Computational Astrophysics


Planetesimal Dynamics
Faculty: Tom Quinn

From planet formation to planetary rings, from fragile comets and asteroids to sandpiles, there is a large diversity of problems related to planetary science that can be addressed with numerical simulations. For example, the surprising configurations of planetary systems recently discovered around nearby stars imply that planets can undergo large-scale radial motions during their formation. It is known that planetesimal scattering can cause a planet's orbit to shrink and circularize, but numerical simulations are needed to quantify this process for various disk parameters. As a different example, the spectacular breakup of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 and measurements of remarkably low bulk densities in some asteroids imply that small bodies in our Solar System may not be solid monoliths as we once thought. Numerical simulations reveal how these fragile bodies evolve but there are many parameters to explore. At even smaller scales, there are interesting topics in granular dynamics to investigate, such as self-organized criticality in sandpiles. The chosen project would provide experience performing simulations with sophisticated numerical code on a cluster of workstations and carrying out some analysis and visualization. For more information, visit or email