Hi! My Name is Martha-Elizabeth "Marty" Baylor. I am from Columbia, MD, but I am doing my undergraduate study (class of 1998) at Kenyon College
in Gambier, Ohio. Below, you can find out more info about who I am and what
I've done.

Summer Research Experience
Summer 1996
University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program
Project: Physics Education Group (PEG)
Mentors: Lillian McDermott, Peter Shaffer, and the PEG Graduate Students
Taught for Electric Circuits and Light and Optics Modules using the Physics By Inquiry Method
Anaylzed pretests and compared results with data from other courses
Wrote paper and gave presentation based on results
Summer 1995
Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD
Federal Junior Fellowship Program
Project: Attitude Control Systems (Code 712)
Mentors: Josephine San and Tobin Anthony
Programed computer simulations modeling spacecraft behavior
Created homepage for Code 712
Summer 1994
Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD
Summer High school Apprenticeship Research Program (SHARP)
Project: Laboratory for Astronomy and Solar Physics (Code 618)
Mentor: Richard Fahey
Derived Einstein's Special Relativity Equations on my own
Studied Red-Shift at high Z
Analyzed textbooks to see whether classical velocity vs. einstein velocity was used when calculating red-shift
Summer 1993
Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD
Project:Quality Assurance (Code 330) and Attitude Control Systems (Code 712)
Mentors: Janice Buckner, Mary Igal, Kathy Jenkins, Marty Frederick
Studied quality assurance procedures to flight certify hardware
Studied Safehold Mode for TRMM (Tropical Rainforest Mapping Mission) spacecraft

Academic Interests
Physics (my major)
Chinese (my minor)
Primary and Secondary Education Reform

Non-Academic Interests
Community Service --> Circle K
Camping and Outdoors Stuff
Going to Used Bookstores
Spending Time with Kids
Building things using big machines...or little ones if necessary
Carrying out my intellectual curiosities
Favorite Movies/T.V. Shows
Blazing Saddles
A Christmas Story
Naked Gun (1, 2 1/2, 3 1/3)
My Fair Lady
Dr. Doolittle
Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan
The Star Wars Trilogy
The original Star Trek series
The Incredible Hulk
X Files
Well, if you made it this far, you must think my life is somewhat interesting. Of course this does not tell you everything about me, but it does give you a better idea about who I am. If you would like to email me, go ahead. I would be more than happy to hear from you.
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