Low Energy Precision Electroweak Physics in the LHC era

September 22 - December 5, 2008

Tentative Program Schedule

Week 1 and 2 (9/22, 9/29): Collider Physics

  • September 29 - 30 Collider Physics Symposium: Preparing for the LHC

    Week 3 and 4 (10/6, 10/13): CP Violation (EDMs, neutrinos, baryogenesis, leptogenesis, ... )

    Week 5 (10/20): Neutrino flavor physics (PMNS matrix parameters, mass hierarchy, non-standard interactions, ...)

    Week 6 (10/27): Muon physics (decay parameters, g-2, lepton flavor violation, ...)

  • October 27 - 29 Muon Physics in the LHC Era
    There is a mandatory $75 registration fee for this symposium. Please make your payment in room C411D. Payment must be made in US funds, by cash (exact change preferred), traveler's checks, or by check drawn on a US Bank. We cannot accept credit cards.

    Week 7 and 8 (11/3, 11/10): Neutrino EW physics and parity-violating electron scattering

  • November 6 - 8 Electroweak Tests with Parity-Violating Electron Scattering in the LHC Era
    There is a mandatory $75 registration fee for this symposium. Please make your payment in room C411D. Payment must be made in US funds, by cash (exact change preferred), traveler's checks, or by check drawn on a US Bank. We cannot accept credit cards.

    Week 9 and 10 (11/17, 11/24): Weak Decays (precision CKM physics, non-standard interactions, ...)

    Week 11 (12/1): Collider Physics

    Prospective attendees are encouraged to apply whether or not their favorite topic is listed as a "focus" during the intended visit.