RHIC Winter Workshop 2002 on
"Correlations and Fluctuations in Heavy-Ion Collisions at

January 4-6, 2002

Institute for Nuclear Theory, Seattle, Washington

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Schedule of Presentations | Workshop Talks | Workshop Photos

This 3-day meeting will address the physics of two-, three- and many-particle momentum space correlations in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. Motivated by the "HBT puzzle" posed by the Bose-Einstein correlation measurements made in the first RHIC run, we want to review the experimental and theoretical situation, both at RHIC and (as far as needed for a global understanding) also at the lower AGS and SPS energies. We plan to discuss all forms of correlations and related processes such as light (anti-)nucleus production. Emphasis will be placed on the implications of the correlation measurements for dynamical models of the collision dynamics, and we will try to assess the consistency and compatibility of the correlation measurements with the strong model constraints posed by other RHIC measurements (single-particle spectra, elliptic flow, hadron abundance ratios, etc.).

The program will include discussion of the following subjects:

Ulrich Heinz (Ohio State University) heinz@mps.ohio-state.edu
Michael Lisa (Ohio State University) lisa@mps.ohio-state.edu
Sergey Panitkin (Brookhaven National Laboratory) panitkin@bnl.gov
Scott Pratt (Michigan State University) pratt@nscl.msu.edu

Program Coordinator: Laura Lee, lee@phys.washington.edu

The RHIC/INT Winter Workshop series, now in its eight year, promotes interactions between theorists and experimentalists involved in the RHIC program. It is cosponsored by Brookhaven National Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and the INT.

The workshop has traditionally been hosted by LBL and the INT on alternate years; the rotation will be enlarged to include BNL in 2004.

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