Next: Strangeness
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of Hyperons and
Contributor: M. Prakash.
A possible site where large amounts of strangeness-bearing matter may be found is in the interior of a neutron star. Relative to matter involving only nucleons, properties of neutron stars such as their masses and radii are affected by the presence of strangeness (hyperons, or a K- condensate, or strange quarks [22,23]). Furthermore, the thermal and structural evolution of a neutron star depends sensitively on the strangeness baryon content of its interior. Some examples of phenomena that occur due to the presence of strangeness are listed below.
NASA is actively supporting both theoretical and observational efforts under it's Astrophysical Theory and Long-Term-Space-Astrophysics Programs in order to unravel the properties of matter under extreme conditions of density and temperature through observations of neutron stars. The NSF and DOE are also actively supporting theoretical studies of the role of strangeness in the equation of state in nuclear astrophysics and in relativistic heavy ion collisions. Strong support of laboratory studies aimed at the determination of hyperon and kaon interactions both in free space and in nuclei is therefore extremely important.
Next: Strangeness
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of Hyperons and