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and Hypernuclei
A theoretical overview was given by A. Gal, who gave an historical
perspective, discussed production and decay models, and investigated the
stability of various types of hypernuclei. T. Fukuda-san discussed the
strangeness program proposed at JHF, the spectroscopy of hypernuclei, weak
and electromagnetic hypernuclear properties, and hyperon-nucleon scattering
possibilities. T. Bressani presented the FINUDA experiments and how high-resolution
hypernuclear spectroscopy can be achieved with their clean kaon beam. G.
Franklin talked about the Brookhaven experiments to look at S=-2 hypernuclei.
B. Gibson showed his calculations on charge symmetry breaking in A=4 hypernuclei.
M. Prakash demonstrated the important impact hypernuclear and hyperon physics
can have on the theoretical calculations of dense hadronic matter (core
of a neutron star), and the role that the strange quark may play. V. Zeps
gave an overview of what can be discovered by investigating nonmeson weak
decays of hypernuclei, and what is needed to do this. R. Chrien showed
evidence that sigma hypernuclei are not stable beyond helium. T. Kishimoto
spoke about the necessity for more theoretical work on spin-orbit splitting
and the possibility of studying the inverse reaction
A. Rusek stressed that more focus is needed to get a commitment to hypernuclear
physics and that a greater involvement by the theoretical community would
help both experimentalists and theorists. E. Jenkins showed how a systematic
treatment of hyperons in the large Nc limit illuminates their spin-flavor
structure and allows some understanding of results found in chiral perturbation
theory. P. Zyla discussed the FNAL experiment to measure CP violation in
hyperon decays and their large sample of cascades. R. Winston described
the KTeV work on neutral cascade physics.
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and Hypernuclei