Institute for Nuclear Theory Jefferson Brookhaven


Joint INT/JLab/BNL Workshop on


Hard Exclusive Processes at JLab 12 GeV
and a Future EIC

University to be held at the University of Maryland College Park, October 29-30, 2006

Organizer: Xiangdong Ji (U. Maryland) [mail]


The Institute of Nuclear Theory, together with Jefferson Lab and Brookhaven National Lab, is organizing a 2-day workshop on special topics in the physics of hard exclusive processes in ep scattering and generalized parton distributions (GPDs). The event will be hosted by the University of Maryland. The aim of the workshop is to

The workshop is specifically intended to prepare the community for the upcoming discussions of the DOE long-range plan. We plan to continue this effort by writing a White Paper summarizing the options for future experimental and theoretical studies in this exciting area of hadronic physics.

The program will consist of several coordinated topical discussion sessions, with an introduction by the coordinator, short prepared contributions by participants, and open discussion. The coordinators will approach participants before the Workshop and solicit contributions on specific topics. We encourage interested people to attend and contribute to the discussions of all topics even if they are not specifically asked to give a presentation. We expect about 30 participants.

Preliminary Program

List of Particpants

The Workshop will take place at the University of Maryland Campus in College Park, MD. The sessions on Sunday, Oct. 29, will take place in the new seminar/classroom 1201 of the Physics Building, the sessions on Monday, Oct. 30, in the Pepco seminar room 1105 in the new Kim Engineering Building.

Travel and Accommodation
Directions to the University of Maryland Campus and a list of local hotels can be found here. Participants are encouraged to guarantee their own hotel reservations (e.g., with credit card).

A block of rooms at a reduced conference rate has been reserved at the Best Western College Park Inn. Please call their toll-free number (800)442-1644 and refer to Group Code No. 10066 (their website will not work for this rate). Their regular phone number is (301)474-2800, then press 1 to be transferred to the Reservation Clerk. Reservation deadline for the preferred rate of $79.00/night has been extended to October 5. If you need assistance, please contact Loretta Robinette [mail].

Financial Support
We shall be able to provide limited financial support (per diem) for some participants. Please contact Loretta Robinette [mail].