Final Announcement
Dear Participants of INT'98 spring program,
The session you are registered in will start in about a week. As we have stated in the first announcement, the purpose of this program is to learn from the current experiments and theoretical investigations and use that as a step stone to prepare the ground for the analysis and phenomenological studies of the data coming from RHIC. To underscore this effort, we urge those theorists who are currently doing model calculations of various physical observable to consider making their best estimates for the same observable at RHIC energy (and LHC if it is not much an effort). At the end of the program we will compile these estimates as an INT publication. We understand that it is much more difficult to make a prediction than post-diction. However such an effort, even though very modest, will help us to understand the data in the first few years after RHIC starts running. So we urge you to make your best effort
We have put together a tentative program for every two weeks and posted here about one week before the session starts. You can also find this program together with schedules of other sessions this web site under the item: Seminars and Activities. If you find the title of your talk, which you provided many months ago, is not up to date and would like to make some change, or you find the schedule is not suitable for you, please contact us immediately.
As a tradition of INT programs, there will be one seminar and occasionally two each day. The seminars will be informal with plenty of time devoted to discussions. Afternoons will be open for discussions for interested groups. We will choose a coordinator for the discussions of each session. After consultation with the coordinators, we have listed the topics of the discussion and possible names of the interested people who might want to get a little prepared for some short presentation on the topics. Please don't be surprised to find or not to find your name in the list. If you think another topic worth more discussion please also let us know. Since these discussions will be spontaneous, we will only decide the time and date before hand.
We look forward to seeing you all in Seattle and a productive program.
Xin-Nian Wang (510-486-5239)
Barbara V. Jacak (516-632-6041)
Joseph I. Kapusta (612-624-0506)