Tentative Schedule for Pacific Spin
Monday, August 4
Morning: Plenary Session (Room A114)
09:00-09:05 Welcome (E. Henley)
09:05-09:10 General Information
Session Chair: J. Soffer
09:10-09:55 Opening Talk (Vogelsang)
09:55-10:30 Spin Physics from PHENIX (G. Bunce)
10:30-10:50 Break
10:50-11:25 Spin Physics from STAR (S. Vigdor)
11:25-12:00 RHIC spin theory (J. Qiu)
12:00-12:35 Spin physics and lattice QCD (A. Thomas)
Afternoon: Parallel Sessions
1. Gluon Polarizations (Room A114)
Session - I (chair: E. Berger )
14:00-14:30 Gluon Spin Basics (R.L. Jaffe)
14:30-15:00 Unpolarized Gluons (P. Nadolsky)
15:00-15:30 Hard Processes to Probe Polarized Gluons (M.
15:30-15:50 Gluon Polarization in the Photon (T. Uematsu)
��16:00-16:20 -
Coffee break
Session - II (chair: N. Saito )
16:20-16:40� Global QCD
Analysis (M. Hirai)
16:40-17:00� HERMES (P.
17:00-17:20� RHIC-STAR
(J. Sowinski)
17:20-17:40� RHIC-PHENIX
(K. Okada)
2. Generalized Parton Distribution (Room C520)
Session - I (chair:� A. Belitsky)
14:00-14:30� Theory and phenomenology of
generalized parton distributions
(A. Schaefer)
14:30-14:55� Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering at
Jefferson Lab, Results and Prospects (L. Elouadrhiri)
14:55-15:20� Exclusive Measurements at HERMES (R.
15:20-15:45� The handbag mechanism in wide-angle
exclusive scattering (P. Kroll)
��15:45-16:05 - Coffee Break
Session - II (chair: L. Elouadrhiri)
16:05-16:30 Real Compton Scattering in
wide-angle regime (B. Wojtsekhowski)
16:30-16:50 Hard exclusive proccesses with COMPASS (E. Burtin)
16:50-17:15 Deeply virtual Compton scattering with ZEUS (J.
17:15-17:30 Helicity-dependent twist-three GPDs in light-front QCD ������ ����������������������� ����������������������� ����������������������� ����������������������� ������������������������������(A. Mukherjee)
Conference Reception:
18:00, UW Faculty Club
faculty club is located at O, 10 on the campus map.
Tuesday, August 5
Morning: Plenary Session (Room A114)
Chair: JC Peng
09:00-09:40� Select
Recent Results from HERMES (W.-D Nowak)
09:40-10:15� Single Spin
Asymmetries (D. Boer)
10:15-10:50� Polarized
Parton Distributions: (J. Blumlein)
10:50-11:20� Break
11:20-11:55� Moller
scattering from E158 (G. Cates)
11:55-12:30� Spin Physics
from COMPASS (G. Mallot)
12:30 - 14:00 - Conference Lunch at Ivar's
Afternoon: Parallel Sessions
1. Quark polarizations (Room A114)
polarizations session - I� (chair: W.
Experimental Results on Polarized Quark Distributions from HERMES
(T-A Shibata)
14:30-15:00�� Azimuthal
Asymmetries in Large-p_T Hadron Production in Semi-Inclusive DIS (Y. Koike)
Measurement of Sea Quark Distributions in Weak Boson Production
(P. Nadolsky)
15:20-15:40�� Charm-Associated W+- Production at RHIC (K.
��15:40-16:10 - Coffee
Quark polarizations - II (chair: T.-A. Shibata)
16:10-16:40� Nucleon Spin Structure Functions in the
Resonance Region (G. Warren)
Precision Measurement of the Neutron Spin Asymmetry A_1^n and
Spin-Flavor Decomposition in the Valence Quark Region (X. Zheng)
17:05-17:30�� Polarised Quark Distributions from Lattice
QCD (W. Detmold)
2. Spin Physics at Intermediate Q^2
(Room C520)
Spin Physics at Intermediate Q^2 - I� (chair: Jerry Miller)
14:00-14:30� Generalized GDH sum rule and
moments of spin structure functions from Chiral Effective Field theory (T.
Experimental results on moments of spin structure functions and related
quantities (A. Deur)
15:00-15:25� Proton and Deuteron Spin Structure Functions
Measured with CLAS (G. Dodge)
- Coffee break
Spin Physics at Intermediate Q^2 - II� (chair: Thomas Hemmert)
15:45-16:15� Theory of Nucleon Form Factors (J. Miller)
16:15-16:40� Proton G_E/G_M Experiments (R. Segal)
16:40-17:05� Duality constraints on quark polarization in
the nucleon (W. Melnitchouk)
17:05-17:30� Polarized Local Duality: a progress report
from J-Lab (O. Rondon)
Wednesday, Aug. 6
Morning: Plenary Session (Room A114)
Chair: K. de Jager
09:00-09:35� Recent
Developments for GPDs (M. Diehl)
09:35-10:10� Measurement of proton and deuteron
spin structure at CLAS (K.Griffioen)
10:10-10:40� First
Experimental check of the GDH sum rule at Mainz and
Bonn (P. Pedroni)
10:40-11:00� Break
11:00-11:35� Spin Physics
from JLAB Hall-A (Z. Meziani)
11:35-12:10� Parity
Violation in G0 Experiment (A. Lung)
12:10-12:45� Spin Physics from
Japan (K. Imai)
Afternoon:� Tours of Boeing and Microsoft
Lunch will be served on
the buses
17:45-21:30: Conference Banquet at the
Faculty Club
faculty club is located at O, 10 on the campus map.
Thursday, Aug. 7
Morning: Parallel Sessions
1. Transverse Spin Physics (Room
09:00-09:25 The Phenomenology of
T-odd Transversity Distributions in Drell-Yan Processes (G. Goldstein)
09:25-09:50� The transverse Momentum
Dependent Parton Distributions and Single-Spin Asymmetry (F.Yuan)
09:50-10:15� Single-spin asymmetries and nucleon structure (D.S. Hwang)
10:15-10:40 Novel Transversity
Properties in Semi Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering (L. Gamberg)
��10:40-11:00 - Coffee break
11:00-11:25 New results on SSA in pp
and ep collisions (U.d'Alesio)
11:25-11:50 Transversity measurements
at HERMES (G. Schnell)
11:50-12:15 Future transversity
measurements at Hall-A (X. Jiang)
12:15-12:40 Studies of transverse
momentum dependent distributions at CLAS (H. Avakian)
2. Low-Energy Hadron Physics (Room
Low-energy hadron physics - I
(chair: E. Henley)
09:00-09:25 Parity in nuclear physics (WTH� van Oers)
09:25-09:50 Time reversal in atoms (E.N. Fortson)
09:50-10:15 Time reversal with neutrons/nuclei (S. Lamoreaux)
10:15-10:40 Anapole moment (W. Haxton)
��10:40-11:00 - Coffee break
Low-energy hadron physics - I (chair:� Larry Trueman)
11:00-11:20 Energy Dependence of CNI analyzing power and the
Pomeron spin-flip coupling (L. Trueman)
11:20-11:40 pC polarimetry at the AGS (A. Bravar)
11:40-12:00 pC polarimetry at RHIC (O. Jinouchi)��������������
12:00-12:20� A measurement of parity violation in Moller
scattering by SLAC exp E158 (K. Bega)��������
12:20-12:40 pp elastic scattering and its spin dependence at RHIC (S. Bueltmann)������
Afternoon: Plenary Session (Room A114)
Vernon Hughes Memorial Session
Chair: G. Igo
14:00-14:45 Vernon Hughes and His Experiments (P. Souder)
14:45-15:20 Exotic Spectroscopy (R. Jaffe)
��15:20-15:50 - Coffee break
Closing Session
Chair: P. Hoyer
15:50-16:25 Future Spin Facilities (A. Deshpande)
16:25-17:10 Spin Physics Summary Talk (E. Hughes)