Organizers: Stephen Sharpe (206) 685-2395 Maarten Golterman (314) 935-6242 Program Coordinator: Nancy Tate (206) 685-4286 Program Application Form Programs & Workshops INT Home Page |
The main subject of this program will be the application of lattice QCD, in conjunction with other systematic techniques, to the study of hadron phenomenology. We envisage the participants to be a mix of lattice QCD practitioners and hadron theorists with an interest in using results from, and contributing ideas to, lattice QCD. In the last few years, major advances have been made on topics such as lattice chiral symmetry and topology, the reduction of lattice-spacing artifacts, methods to simulate heavy quarks, the effects of quenching and the relevance of partial quenching, non-perturbative normalization of operators, the role of chiral perturbation theory in extracting hadronic quantities from lattice QCD, and the use of small-volume computations to extract infinite-volume physics. These and other ideas are currently under intensive exploration. Given recent and future increases in computer power these advances will allow more reliable calculations of hadronic quantities. One goal of this program is to provide an opportunity to take stock of the status of these new developments, as well as to assess how far they can be pushed in the near future. In addition to increasing our fundamental and quantitative understanding of strong interaction physics, reliable results for a number of hadronic quantities will be essential for interpreting results from new experiments underway at RHIC, TJNAF, DAFNE and at B-factories. A second goal of this program is to provide a forum for the study of a number of challenging outstanding problems. Examples are the issue of how to use Euclidean simulations to extract parameters of hadronic resonances, the (related) issue of how to calculate electroweak decay amplitudes involving multiparticle final states, and the study of QCD at finite chemical potential. We aim to bring together researchers from three communities: lattice QCD (with research interests ranging from simulations to theoretical developments), nuclear theory, and particle theory. Interactions between these communities are very important in defining and extending what one can and what one cannot calculate using lattice QCD.