Institute for Nuclear Theory - Program 99-1


March 8 - May 28, 1999

Joseph Ginocchio, Organizer,, (505)667-5630
Francesco Iachello, Organizer,, (203)432-6944
Nancy Tate, Program Coordinator,, (206)685-4286


Algebraic methods have had a long history in particle and nuclear physics. In particular, in nuclear physics they have been used to simplify the difficult many body problem by first identifying a few relevant degrees of freedom and subsequently by developing an algebra which describes the physics of those degrees of freedom. The first part of the program will address current problems in the algebraic approach to nuclear physics, especially those related to subjects of present experimental interest (e.g., nuclear physics with radioactive beams). In the second and third parts of the program, the widening applications of algebraic modeling to molecular and hadron physics will be discussed, with particular emphasis on problems of current experimental interest such as the spectroscopy of highly excited states in molecular physics and the physics that can be done in hadron physics at Jefferson Lab. The microscopic origins of the relevant degrees of freedom will also be examined.

We plan to have workshop March 15-19 on the current issues in algebraic methods, applied primarily to nuclear physics, and another from May 17-22 on molecular physics.

Our primary goal is to bring together senior and junior researchers in an environment that will stimulate discussion and collaboration. We will try to limit the number of seminars, so that much of the time will be available for individual or collaborative research. Experimentalists as well as theorists will participate.

Watch this space for more information about the program and workshop in the next few months. If you are interested in attending, please contact one of the organizers or the INT program coordinator. An application form, seminar schedule and working directory of participants are available.

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