Institute for Nuclear Theory Weekly Seminar Schedule
University of Washington Office: 206/685-3360
Institute for Nuclear Theory Fax: 206/685-3730
Physics/Astronomy Building
Box 351550
Seattle, WA 98195-1550
Visiting Physicists for the Week of July 6 - July 10, 1998
Alivisatos, Paul, UC Berkeley................................July 6
Berry, R. Stephen, U. Chicago................................July 5 - July 11
Bigot, Jean-Yves, Strasbourg.................................July 5 - July 9
Bloomfield, Louis, U. Virginia...............................June 28 - July 18
Borgs, Christian, Microsoft..................................July 6
Brechignac, Catherine, CNRS Paris............................July 5 - July 9
Chelikowsky, James, U. Minnesota.............................July 5 - July 9
Chin, Siu Ah, Texas A&M......................................July 6 - July 24
Eberhardt, Wolfgang, Juelich.................................July 5 - July 9
Fiolhais, Carlos, Coimbra University.........................July 5 - July 18
Froebrich, Peter, Hahn-Meitner Institute.....................June 28 - July 11
Gerber, Gustav, U. Wuerzburg.................................July 5 - July 9
Gross, Dieter, Hahn-Meitner Institute........................July 4 - July 12
Grossman, Jeffrey, UC Berkeley...............................July 5 - July 8
Haberland, Hellmut, U. Freiburg..............................July 3 - July 10
Ho, Kai-Ming, Iowa State U...................................July 5 - July 8
Jarrold, Martin, Northwestern................................July 3 - July 8
Jellinek, Julius, Argonne....................................July 5 - July 12
Jena, Purusottam, Virginia Commonwealth U....................July 5 - July 14
Johnston, Roy, U. Birmingham.................................July 5 - July 18
Jungwirth, Pavel, J. Heyrovsky Inst..........................July 4 - July 9
Kresin, Vitaly, USC..........................................June 28 - July 11
Krotscheck, Eckhard, ITP Linz................................July 7 - July 30
Kunz, Ralph Eric, ITP Berlin.................................July 4 - July 9
Langhoff, Peter, UCSD-NPACI..................................July 6 - July 8
Lopez, Maria, U. Valladolid..................................June 27 - July 12
Louie, Steve, UC Berkeley....................................July 5 - July 8
Manninen, Matti, U. Jyvaeskylae.............................June 23 - August 4
Martin, T.P., Max-Planck Inst................................July 4 - July 10
Masson, Albert, CNRS.........................................July 5 - July 9
Nayak, Saroj, Virginia Commonwealth U........................July 5 - July 14
Pederson, Mark, Naval Res. Lab...............................July 5- July 9
Proykova, Ana, U. Sofia.....................................July 4 - August 29
Ramaswamy, Ramakrishna, Jawaharlal Nehru U...................July 5 - July 26
Rohlfing, Michael, UC Berkeley...............................July 6 - July 8
Rose-Petruck, Christoph, UC San Diego........................July 4 - July 9
Roth, Robert, GSI............................................July 1 - August 4
Rubio, Angel, Valladolid.....................................July 4 - July 10
Sadeghpour, Hossein, ITAMP...................................July 5 - July 9
Saito, Susumu, Tokyo Inst. Tech.............................June 26 - Sept. 15
Salahub, Dennis, U. Montreal.................................July 5 - July 9
Traeger, Frank, Kassel.......................................July 5 - July 8
Van Giai, Nguyen, IPN Orsay..................................June 26 - July 24
von Issendorff, Bernd, U. Freiburg...........................July 3 - July 11
von Plessen, Gero, Munich....................................July 4 - July 9
Wales, David, Cambridge......................................July 3 - July 10
Wang, Lai-Sheng, WSU.........................................June 27 - July 12
Woeste, Ludger, Freie University.............................July 2 - July 8
Yoshizaki, Koichi, Tohoku University.........................June 29 - July 11
Zanni, Martin, UC Berkeley...................................July 5 - July 9
All talks will be held in the Physics/Astronomy Building, room C520.
Monday, July 6
"Phase Transitions"
T. Patrick Martin, Session Chair
8:45 Welcome (G. Bertsch)
9:00 Hellmut Haberland, "Melting of Free Clusters"
9:30 Martin Jarrold, TBA
10:00 Coffee break
10:30 Catherine Brechignac, "Dynamics of thermal evaporation"
11:00 Paul Alivisatos, "Size-dependence of structural metastability in
semiconducting nanocrystals"
11:30 Steve Berry, "Simulations and theoretical models of the phase
behavior of clusters"
12:00 Lunch
13:30 David Wales, TBA
14:00 Dieter Gross, "Phase transition without thermodynamic limit"
14:30 Christian Borgs, "Surface effects at first-order phase transitions"
15:00 Coffee break
15:30 Matti Manninen, "Simulations of cluster melting"
16:00 Ramakrishna Ramaswamy, "Dynamics and coexistence at phase
transitions in finite systems"
17:00 Discussion
Tuesday, July 7
"Electronic Properties"
James Chelikowsky and Steven Louie, Session Chair
9:00 Kai-Ming Ho, "Structural optimization of atomic clusters using a
genetic algorithm"
9:30 Mark Pederson, "Simulation of Transition Metal and Transition
Metal Carbide Clusters"
10:00 Coffee break
10:30 Dennis Salahub, TBA
11:00 Julius Jellinek, "Theoretical Studies of Metal Clusters"
11:30 Jeffrey Grossman, "Correlation in clusters and molecules"
12:00 Lunch
13:30 Angel Rubio, "(Mixed)-space-time method for response calculations"
14:00 Michael Rohlfing, "The role of electron-hole interaction in
ab-initio calculations of optical absorption spectra"
14:30 Coffee break
15:00 Jim Chelikowsky, "Optical and Dielectric Properties of Clusters
and Quantum Dots"
15:30 George Bertsch, "Real-time TDLDA"
16:00 Discussion
19:00 Dinner at Ivars Salmon House
Wednesday, July 8
"Picosecond Dynamics"
Gustav Gerber, Convenor
8:45 Introduction, "Decay of surface plasmons"
9:00 Frank Traeger, "Femtosecond time-resolved second harmonic
generation by alkali metal particles: Towards the determination of
surface plasmon decay times"
9:30 Jean-Yves Bigot, "Dynamics of electrons in copper nanoparticles:
the role of quasiparticles and plasmon damping"
10:00 Coffee break
10:30 Ludger Woeste, "Femtosecond probing of soft-landed, size-selected
silver clusters"
11:00 Gero von Plessen, "Damping of the surface plasmon in noble-metal
11:30 Bernd von Issendorff, "Lifetime and multi-excitation of the plasmon
resonance of a free, mass-selected sodium cluster"
12:00 Wolfgang Eberhardt, "Femtosecond pump-probe photoemission from
clusters and solids"
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Introduction, "Clusters in moderate and higher laser fields"
14:15 Martin Zanni, "Time-resolved studies of ion cluster dynamics"
14:45 Coffee break
15:15 Gustav Gerber, "Ionization and fragmentation dynamics of
clusters in intense laser fields"
15:45 Christoph Rose-Petruck, "The ionization ignition model: Ultrafast
electron and ion dynamics in laser driven clusters"
16:15 Discussion