INT Workshop INT-18-71W
Astro-Solids, Dense Matter, and Gravitational Waves
April 16 - 20, 2018
As we enter the era of gravitational-wave astronomy, there is renewed focus on
the range of astrophysical sources and the information that can be extracted
from observations. As the expected signals are weak a detailed understanding of
source characteristics is required for detection and interpretation.
In this context, a workshop focused on issues relating to continuous gravitational
waves from spinning neutron stars is timely. There are already over 30 LIGO
papers presenting searches for, and upper limits on, continuous gravitational-wave signals. However, there has been comparatively little related theoretical
work. The basic mechanisms for neutron stars emitting long-lived gravitational
wave signals may be well known, but they have not yet been modeled at the level
of precision required to support the sensitive searches that are being carried out
(e.g. using Einstein@home).
The one week workshop will motivate new theoretical work on continuous
gravitational-wave sources and improve the communication between nuclear
physicists, gravitational-wave experts, and astrophysicists working on dense
matter and compact objects.
Key issues for the workshop involve:
the modeling of solid material phases at extreme densities. The gravitational radiation from a spinning compact object is very sensitive to its shape, and solids keep their shape. Therefore, gravitational waves provide a unique probe of astrophysical solids including neutron star crust, nuclear pasta, and possible high-density solid phases of QCD.
Constraints on the gravitational-wave emission from electromagnetic observations, e.g. of accreting stars, and a discussion of the most promising astrophysical scenarios for targeted gravitational-wave searches.
The design of theory-led search strategies, including constraints from electromagnetic observations.
- Introduction to gravitational waves for nuclear physicists.
- Introduction to nuclear physics and dense matter for gravitational-wave physicists.
- Continuous gravitational-wave searches.
- Crust mountains and mountain building.
- R-modes.
- Neutron star crust and crust properties.
- Magnetic and compositional mountains.
- Superfluid dynamics and neutron star oscillations.
- Crust strength and crust breaking.
- Magnetar giant flares, and GW bursts.
- Dense QCD and solid phases at high density.
There will be a $30 registration fee to attend the workshop. The registration fee includes participation in the workshop, lectures, and coffee breaks.