R. Ent
Jefferson Laboratory

G. A. Miller
University of Washington

M. Sargsian
Florida International University

J. P. Vary
Iowa State University

Program Coordinator:
Inge Dolan
(206) 685-4286

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INT Workshop INT-13-52W

Nuclear Structure and Dynamics at Short Distances

February 11 -22, 2013


Recently there has been significant experimental progress in observing the effects of two-nucleon correlations, in studying quasi-elastic scattering by nuclei at large Bjorken x, and in detailing the nuclear dependence of deep-inelastic lepton scattering. In particular, quantitative relationships have been found between these apparent disconnected processes that point to a local density short-range nuclear effect. The current experimental situation is intriguing because it touches the basic issues regarding the physics of nuclei at short distances as well as the physics of hadrons in a strongly-interacting field. In parallel, the recent progress in ab-initio and modern nuclear structure calculations, in lattice QCD calculations of nuclear interactions, and in high energy approaches of description of the quark-gluon structure of nuclei, provides significant theoretical and computational capabilities to resolve the basic questions that now exist underlying the surprising phenomenological relations. These include:
  • Can the many-body-effects appearing in the interaction current be separated from those appearing in the wave function?
  • Can conventional nuclear theory provide calculations of the observables measured in coincidence experiments?
  • What is the relation between two-nucleon correlations and the EMC effect?
  • What is the role of relativistic effects in the present context?
  • What experiments can determine the role of three nucleon correlations?
  • What is the role of quark, as opposed to nucleon or meson, effects in understanding the plateau and the EMC effect?
  • Which other reactions can be used to elucidate the effects of short-ranged correlations?
  • How can the EMC effect be studied in semi-inclusive DIS?
  • How do hadronization effects reveal themselves in semi-inclusive DIS?

The first two days would be planned mainly as an organized workshop with presentations. The remaining three days of the first week, and four days of the second week are intended for topical collaboration, discussions and informal presentations, all aimed to bring together hadronic physics and nuclear structure communities to propel a better theoretical underpinning of the nuclear structure and dynamics at short distances, and the excitement of recent phenomenological observations. During the second week one day will be dedicated to a collaboration meeting of an ongoing Jefferson Lab data mining effort to further study nuclear structure and dynamics.

There is a registration fee of $55 to attend this workshop. You may pay in cash or by check drawn on a U.S. Bank. Sorry, we cannot accept credit cards.

Please make your payment when you arrive at the INT.