
B. Bringoltz
University of Washington

M. Shifman
University of Minnesota

M. Unsal
Stanford University

L. Yaffe
University of Washington

Program Coordinator:
Laura Lee
(206) 685-3509

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New frontiers in large N gauge theories

February 3 - 6, 2009

Tentative Agenda

All talks will be held in Physics-Astronomy C520, except where indicated.


Tuesday, Feb. 3Wednesday, Feb. 4Thursday, Feb. 5Friday, Feb. 6
09:00-09:15 Welcome09:00-09:45 Nair09:00-09:30 Cohen 
09:15-10:00 Yaffe09:45-10:15 Yelnikov09:30-10:00 Zhitnitsky09:15-10:00 Thacker
10:00-10:15 break10:00-10:30 break10:00-10:15 break10:00-10:15 break
10:15-11:00 Bringoltz10:30-11:15 Neuberger10:15-11:00 Del Debbio10:15-11:00 Unsal
11:00-11:45 Lebed 11:00-11:30 Vranas 
12:00-13:30 Lunch12:00-13:30 Lunch12:00-13:30 Lunch12:00-13:30 Lunch
14:20-14:40 Patella14:20-14:40 Kiskis
Physics-Astronomy C421
14:20-14:40 Nogradi14:20-14:40 Poppitz
14:40-15:00 Myers14:40-15:00 Vairinhos
Physics-Astronomy C421
14:40-15:00 Hietanen14:40-15:00 Wosiek
15:00-15:20 break15:00-15:20 break15:00-15:20 break15:00-15:20 break
15:20-15:40 Buchoff15:20-15:40 Sharpe
Physics-Astronomy C421
15:20-15:40 Narayanan15:20-15:40 Meurice
15:40-16:00 Cherman15:40-16:00 Hanada
Physics-Astronomy C421
16:00-??? discussion16:00-??? discussion
Physics-Astronomy C421
16:00-??? discussion16:00-??? discussion

B. BringoltzThe approach to N=infinity: lattice perspective
M. BuchoffDimensional reduction, orbifolds, & adjoint fermions
A. ChermanA novel large Nc relation as a probe for Skyrmions and their holographic cousins
T. CohenCenter symmetry, confinement and the Hagedorn spectrum
L. Del DebbioMinimal technicolor on the lattice
M. HanadaMonte-Carlo study of SYM in lower spacetime dimensions and gauge/gravity duality
A. HietanenThe vector meson mass in the large N limit of QCD
J. KiskisComputation of the string tension in three dimensional and four dimensional Yang-Mills theory using large N reduction
R. LebedThe 1/N expansion for baryons
Y. MeuriceDyson's instability in the large-N limit
J. MyersPhase diagrams of SU(N) gauge theories with fermions in various representations
V.P. NairThe Hamiltonian approach to Yang-Mills (2+1): Part 1: basics and update
R. NarayananLarge N QCD in two dimensions with a baryonic chemical potential
H. NeubergerUniversal properties of Wilson loops
D. NogradiFlavour number and representation dependence of QCD-like theories
A. PatellaCenter symmetry and effective strings in orientifold QCD
E. PoppitzOn the index theorem on R3x S1
S. SharpeQuenched Eguchi-Kawai
H. ThackerDomain walls, tachyon crystals, and large N QCD
M. UnsalMagnetic bions and confinement
H. VairinhosNew phases in Eguchi-Kawai models
P. VranasStudying the flavor dependence of SU(3) gauge theory with lattice simulations
J. WosiekOn phase transition, duality and correspondences in a simple gauge system at large N
L. YaffeLarge-N limits & equivalences
A. YelnikovThe Hamiltonian approach to Yang-Mills (2+1): Parge 2: an expansion scheme and corrections to string tension
A. ZhitnitskyConfinement-deconfinement phase transition in hot and dense QCD at large N