B.R. Barrett
(University of Arizona)
J.P. Draayer (Louisiana State University)
K. Heyde (University of Gent)
P. van Isacker
Program Coordinator: Darlette Powell
(206) 685-4286
Workshop photos
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Workshop at the INT Fall-07 Program
New Approaches in Nuclear Many-Body Theory
October 15 - 19, 2007
Notice to all participants: The workshop is constructed so
as to have only three 50 to 60 minute talks per day or two long
talks and two short talks per day with much time for discussion.
A speaker with 90 minutes is supposed to talk for 50 to 60
minutes and leave the remaining time for questions and discussion.
If groups of participants want to organize their own discussion
groups outside of the lectures and/or special seminars, please
contact the organizers about making arrangements (e.g., space)
for such events.
Monday, October 15, 2007
8:00-8:50: | Registration/Check-in/Finding Location in the INT |
8:50-9:00: | Start of workshop: Opening comments by the organizers |
9:00-10:30: | Achim Schwenk (TRIUMF): "Recent Developments in Two-
and Three-Nucleon Interactions for Nuclear Structure" |
10:30-11:00: | Coffee Break |
11:00-12:30: | Ionel Stetcu (Los Alamos National Lab): "Effective Field
Theory (EFT) Inspired Approaches to Solving Few- and
Many-Body Systems" |
12:30-13:45: | Lunch on your own |
13:45-15:15: | Wick Haxton (INT/U Washington): "The Form of the Two-
Nucleon Effective Interaction in Harmonic-Oscillator
Based Effective Theory" |
15:15-18:00: | Group meetings/Discussions/Special Seminars |
Dinner on your own |
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
8:30-10:00: | Bruce Barrett/Alexander Lisetskiy (U of Arizona):
"Standard Shell-Model Effective Interactions
from the No Core Shell Model (NCSM) calculations" |
10:00-10:30: | Coffee Break |
10:30-12:00: | Robert Roth (TU-Darmstadt): "Towards ab initio
nuclear structure calculations beyond the p-shell"
and Thomas Neff (GSI): "Cluster states and shell model
configurations in the Fermionic Molecular Dynamics
approach" |
12:00-13:30: | Lunch on your own |
13:30-15:00: | Richard Furnstahl (Ohio State U): "Density Functional
Theory for Nuclei" |
15:00-18:00: | Group meetings/Discussions/Special Seminars |
| Dinner on your own |
Wednesday, October 17, 2007 (On Wednesday we must be out of the
lecture hall by 3 p.m.!)
8:30-10:00: | Willem Dickhoff (Washington U, St Louis): "The Green's
Function Method as a Framework for Data-Driven
Extrapolations to the Drip Line and the Extension
of the Density Functional Methods" |
10:00-10:30: | Coffee Break |
10:30-12:00: | Giuseppina Orlandini (U of Trento, Italy): "The
Lorentz Integral Transform (LIT) Method and Its
Connections with Other Approaches" and
Sonia Bacca (GSI, Darmstadt): "Application of the
LIT Method to EM Reactions with Nuclei: Recent
Results" |
12:00-13:30: | Lunch on your own |
13:30-15:00: | Jorge Dukelsky (Madrid, Spain) "Exactly Solvable Pairing
Models" |
15:00-18:00: | Group meetings/Discussions/Special Seminars |
Dinner on your own |
Thursday, October 18, 2007
(On Thursday we must be out of the lecture hall by 3:30 p.m!)
8:30-10:00: | David Dean (Oak Ridge National Lab): "Nuclear
Coupled Cluster Theory: Current Status and
Prospects" |
10:00-10:30: | Coffee Break |
10:30-12:00: | Jerry Draayer (LSU/SURA) and Kristina Launey (LSU)
"Sympletic NCSM--Taming the Model Space Dilemma" |
12:00-13:30: | Lunch on your own |
13:30-15:00: | Ruben Fossion (Padova/Mexico) "Shape-phase Transitions
and Two-particle Transfer Intensities" and
Veerle Hellemans (Ghent) "Criticality in the Interacting
Boson Model with Configuration Mixing" |
15:00-18:00: | Group meetings/Discussions/Special Seminars |
18:30: | Workshop Group Reception and Dinner at Portage Bay Cafe
(Cash bar for reception, dinner paid for separately) |
Friday, October 19, 2007
8:30-10:00: | David Rowe (U Toronto) "Embedding Collective Models in the
Shell Model" |
10:00-10:30: | Coffee Break |
10:30-12:00: | Mark Caprio (U. Notre Dame): "Excited State Quantum
Phase Transitions in Pairing Systems" |
12:00-13:30: | Lunch on your own |
13:30-15:00: | Stijn De Baerdemacker (Ghent): "The Collective Model from a Cartan-Weyl Perspective" and Lorenzo Fortunato (Padova) "Bosonic Symmetries of BEC" |
15:00: | Official End of the Workshop but discussions are welcome to
continue. |