John Negele

David Richards

Martin Savage

Edward Shuryak

Program Coordinator:
Laura Lee
(206) 685-3509

Program page

Application form

Workshop on the Fourth Root of the Staggered Fermion Determinant

Workshop on Synergy Between Experiment and Lattice QCD in Exploring Hadron Structure

INT programs page

Exploration of Hadron Structure and Spectroscopy using Lattice QCD

March 6 - May 26, 2006


The primary focus during the three month program will be on informal interaction and collaboration by participants in residence at any given time on problems of common interest. Formal talks will be limited in order to provide adequate time for discussion and collaboration.

Each of the major themes of the program will receive special (but not exclusive) emphasis during the following periods:

Chiral perturbation theory:
weeks of March 6, 13, and 20

Hadronic physics at finite temperature:
weeks of March 27, April 3, and 10

weeks of April 17, 24, and part of the week of May 1

Hadron Structure:
weeks of May 1, 8, and 15

LHPC and NPLQCD collaboration meetings:
week of May 22

There will also be two two-day workshops:

Workshop on the Fourth Root of the Staggered Fermion Determinant March 20-21, 2006

Workshop on Synergy Between Experiment and Lattice QCD in Exploring Hadron Structure, April 24-25, 2006

Please note that because of individual participant's schedule constraints and the need to spread visits evenly during the three month period due to space limitations, it has not been possible to schedule all the individuals interested in a specific theme during the same period. Hence, final details of each week's program will be planned on the basis of the participants in residence, and will include topics outside the theme area as appropriate. The organizers regret that we will not be able to approve rescheduling of visits into periods when the institute is filled to capacity.